twenty four

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(sorry this is so short, i started writing this at 3am)

graces pov

"i should get back upstairs, wanna come?"

i accepted alex's offer with a nod and we headed up the stairs hand in hand. i started to feel alot more nervous as i remembered the texts with george, but i had decided to push my feelings away so it would be easy to just ignore him right? 

the door opened, george and tess were asleep on the couch so we headed inside, minding our own businesses.

soon enough, alex had to start recording a new video. so i sat in his room, out of shot, and watched him, also remembered i had to upload. all of this time i had almost forgotten about my youtube career. often people describe being a youtuber as a creator, like a window into the lives of everyday people and how different their minds work - as if we all get outstanding opportunities to live our life to the full potential. and it's true, to an extent, alot of youtubers do get opportunities. 

but half of the work is tiring and feels endless, which is why i have no inspiration record or upload, meaning i'm halfway to broke.

i opened up my phone and scrolled through instagram to the sound of alex rambling on about some new controversy. alex's videos interested me, dont get me wrong, but they didn't flow as well as george's. and george was such a confident recorder. my thoughts focused on why i liked george andrew once again.

 i hated my brain, i was with alex, i couldn't be thinking about george like this. instead i tried turning my attention to my actual boyfriend, he is cute, and kind, he's great! but he obviously wasn't my type.

he finished recording and brought his laptop over to where i was sat. he started editing and i laid next to him, with my head on his shoulder. although i didn't like him in the way i liked george, it was nice to have someone.

it was a peaceful 10 minutes until george came bursting in, "alex!" he took a pause and looked at me "what's she doing here?" he studied the way we were led together until a wave of realisation eventually hit him. he frowned, looking a little bothered "can we have a word?"

alex nodded and turned to me, "give me a couple of minutes" he kissed me and got up, shutting the door behind him.

george's pov

what the fuck, grace's boyfriend is alex?! he knew i liked her so why was he dating her, he hasn't even showed any signs that he liked her until now. i bet it's revenge. we went into my room.

"ok, what the hell alex?" i started.  i was angry, i mean of course i was. grace was the love of my life.

"what?" he smiled, did he really not know why i was mad?

"you're dating her?"

"yeahhh? what's it got to do with you george?"

"you KNOW i like her" i raised my voice carefully, not wanting to attract her attention

"you don't like her george," he shook his head "i have liked her the ENTIRE time, but you haven't even cared" now it was his turn to raise his voice.

"you liar! you've never even liked her that way. but now you jump at the chance to get with her" i backed him up against the wall.

"you have a girlfriend! and it isn't grace for a reason"

"you really think i love tess? i've loved grace the entire time, tess is just..."

the door opened and another voice joined the heated conversation. "a distraction right?" tess' eyes were filled with tears as her voice trembled "you used me... you-you PRICK!" 


thanks to alex i had just lost my girlfriend and my only way to distract myself from grace and alex's newfound relationship. "tess! that's not it i-" i tried to save myself but it was too late. she had left. i turned back to alex "fuck YOU!"

 i was losing control, i swung my fist at alex's face.

he ducked out of the way "woah there... george calm down" he backed away, trying to stop me, but my rage could not be stopped. 

instead it resulted in alex and a black eye. he fell to the floor, 

what had i done? 

either way i just needed grace out of here right now. i entered alex's room "grace, i think you should leave" i could barely even look at her.

she got up with a concerned look on her face and i ushered her to the door. i grabbed an ice pack from the freezer and helped alex up onto my bed. i tended to his eye with the cold, damp plastic and then slowly sunk my head into my hands. 

was i insane?

 i did this to my best friend because of some girls. it was a stupid scenario playing back in my head, and i was unable to go back in time and prevent it. i needed to call someone. 

so i called will.

"you alreet mate?" his accent crackled down the line as he spoke, 

"come over please" i ended the call, 

i was so done with myself. why do i act this way? im a stupid asshole. yet it was always grace that fueled this feeling inside of me, this power. and it was uncontrollable 

time skip brought to you by seatgeek (david dobrik reference oops)

i had been replaying the scene back, sat in the living room, my head clouded with thoughts.  i heard the recognisable, friendly knock on the front door that was will and confirmed his arrival by my unenthusiastic voice calling "its open."

he walked in to spot the faint tear stains on my cheek instantly, "george? what's up?" he sat down next to me with a sympathetic smile. 

"im out of control." i looked down.

"what's going on? what's happened?" i explained everything that i had been feeling and that had happened. he inputted with a couple nods and short words, mainly wanting to listen. "so where's alex at the moment?" i had forgotten to mention the most recent events.

"on my bed... unconcious..." i looked up slowly

"holy shit george" will ran to my room and i followed, a lot slower. 

"i punched him..." 

"you think i couldn't tell?!" will pointed at alex's bruised eye, i looked away guiltily

"i didn't mean to though! i swear i didn't"

"i know you didn't george, but he's just gotten out of hospital with amnesia so this isn't really great in terms of his recovery"

i panicked, i didn't even think about it. here i was, having a go at grace for putting him in danger with the alcohol situation but i had done worse. 

alex i swear to god, you better wake up okay 

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