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George's POV

"If you have enjoyed this video, please do leave a like that would be nice, anything else to say George?" Will beamed into the camera. I was about to speak when I was interrupted by my phone ping - It was Grace. "George?" Will nudged me

"Oh uh yeah subscribe to memeulous" I said, preoccupied by typing back. Will rolled his eyes and ended the video.

"Who's so interesting you gotta start texting them when filming?" he asked as he snatched my phone out of my hands and I took my bandana off "Ahh that Grace lass?" he raised an eyebrow "you got a thing for her or somethin fella?" Will smirked.

"What? no!" I replied, I didn't think I liked her anymore than friends anyway so why did i sound so unsure when i said it.

"Chill out lad I'm just kidding" He laughed with a hint of suspicion in his tone and chucked back my phone. I caught it and just shrugged. "I'm thinking of streaming later you wanna join? I might do a Q&A" he added. I nodded and smiled as we got up and headed to the living room.

"I should probably head back and pickup my clothes from Grace's but I'll get Alex and we'll come by later to stream?" I tucked my phone and bandana into my back pocket and headed for the door.

"Wait why don't you invite Grace to the Q&A?"

"Oh uh we could" I shrugged, guessing Will just wanted views and controversy

Will smiled "Good, be round here at 4" I smiled back and left.

Graces POV

I played Mariokart 8 since Caitlin left, for around an hour, until I heard a knock on the door. I yawned and got up, expecting it to be Caitlin forgetting something, or someone who wouldn't judge my messy appearance. I opened the door to George, "hi oh my god i look like a mess right now" i mentally facepalmed as i realised how disgusting I looked, with a messy bun and all.

"Hey, its ok - you look great i-i mean you look fine" he stuttered, scratching his neck.

"Thanks" I smiled, distracted by his deep blue eyes "oh I'll go get your clothes, i'm guessing that's why you're here. Come on in, make yourself at home!" I rushed to my room and grabbed the neatly folded clothes. I arrived back in the room to see George holding a playstation controller.

"You play videogames?" he beamed at me.

"Of course, i cant promise i'm any good though" i shrugged

"fancy a game?" he smirked, he was going to beat me and he knew it. He jumped onto the couch and we connected an extra controller. I chose Rosalina, George chose Yoshi and we started a game. "Fuck you're overtaking me!" he yelled, turning a corner. I was in 1st place with George shortly behind until I got knocked out of my spot.


"umm maybe" he chuckled, speeding ahead of me. It was the last lap and obvious that George was going to win. "Good game" he looked at me, smirking as the leader board appeared.

"i'll beat you one day" I grabbed a pillow and hit him with it playfully.

"Oh you did not just do that" he replied and soon we were in an intense pillow fight. I went to reach for another pillow as he went to grab it too. Our hands touched slightly and i looked up to see George's face extremely close to mine. I leaned in closer and our eyes met, it felt like time stopped and we were the only people in the world.


The small moment was broken by George's phone ringing. Time unfroze and I turned away, pretending to fix my hair, 'it was nothing right? no it couldn't of been - i mean im sure he didn't think much of it' "Oh hey Will, of course, sorry yeah i'll ask her now, ok be there in a few, alright bye mate" I overheard George on the phone as I turned the playstation off. "Will's doing a Q&A stream on his youtube channel and wants to know if you'd like to join us." I looked up.

"You sure? I'm not a big youtuber so wont it be weird? Who else is gonna be there?" I wanted to go but didn't want to intrude. I was hardly as successful as them.

"Just Will, me, Alex and Will's friend Stephen" he paused "you don't have to if you don't want to, Will just thought it'd be fun, we all wanna get to know you better"

I smiled at the fact that they wanted to know me, I was just the boring girl from downstairs and who wants that? "sure, let me just go put some makeup on."

"Alright, i'm going to drop these clothes off so meet at mine in a few?"

I nodded and watched him leave. As I slabbed on foundation and other products  I wondered what would've happened if Will never called, I kept reliving the scene in my head with different scenarios that I shouldn't think of. I pushed away the thoughts and hurried to George's place.

George's POV

Walking to Will's, I looked at all the people crossing roads and entering shops. One lady had her shoulders back confidently,yet checked her appearance frequently as if insecure and assured at the same time. I guess that's the emotional optimum in our shallow society. I then glanced back at Grace, silently following behind. She also looked insecure but not at all like the lady, more nervous. I could tell it was about the live stream. I thought back to the pillow fight, the moment if you could even call it that. I sighed at the thought knowing that I would never have a chance, after all, I was just lonely old George.

We arrived at Will's, I smiled reassuringly at Grace as I knocked and opened the door. "Oi Will?" I heard Will talking in another room, he had probably started the stream already. Three boys emerged from the corridor. It was Alex, Will and Stephen.

"Ello mate" Will smiled at us both. "We started without yous, you guys were taking ages" he smirked a little

"Yep sorry about that" i rolled my eyes " I'll just get my mask on and join you guys in a few."

A/N: sorry it took so long to update - i've been busy making a scrapbook for Niall, Will, Alex, George, James and Fraser to give them at insomnia! If u wanna have ur name written into the book i have a post on my instagram (@clvppvd) labelled READ CAPTION which u can go comment on and i'll add it! And I Hope you're liking the story so far bc i'm trying not to rush it x

the balcony above - memeulous x ocWhere stories live. Discover now