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Grace's POV

We had returned from the hospital a few days ago, trying to help Alex remember things. The temporary amnesia had lasted longer than expected. He could now remember me and george but not any of our other friends.

 I swiped through pictures on my phone as James, Fraser, Tess and Fraser sat around us, hoping they'd be remembered. "That's you and James at the cavetown concert, see?" I knew Alex loved that concert, i could remember him saying it was one of the best evenings of his life, when he arrived home the next morning. All of a sudden I received a call, "I better take this, use someone else's phone in the meantime?" I stepped out of the room and addressed the flashing contact name "bestoooo x" on screen. 

"Hey Grace, Can you hang?" It was caitlin. 

"Uh i'm a little bit busy today, we're helping Alex and then it's movie nights here so-"

"You're always busy with them" I could hear the anger ripple through her voice

"Excuse me?"

"You never have time for me anymore. it's always Alex or Will or George to go see" 

"Yeah well it's actually pretty important right now, Alex has temporary-"

"Alex has this, Alex has that. Whatever Grace. Have fun with them" she practically shouted down the line before hanging up.

I was shaking, I'd never heard Caitlin like that, she was normally chill and she never seemed to mind my new friends. I sighed and headed back to the group, that wasn't important now. 

"How's it going guys?" I forced a grin

"Great actually! He's remembering me and Will, having trouble with Fraser and Henry though" James smiled. 

"And me he hasn't remembered me" Tess added, trying to join the conversation. She sat on George's lap, as she was only here for hi. She was never even friends with Alex. 

Soon after, Will walked in from his room with a yawn, "Hey guys, we decided what we're watching tonight?"  

Tonight was movie night for us. We had gotten into the routine of late friday night cinema visits, smuggling in alcohol and food and watching a random shitty movie. It was weird but we loved it, it was our thing.

"ooh whats happening?" Tess spoke up, and we all rolled our eyes at Will for mentioning it in front of her.

"It's like a thing we do its not like a big thing its just a sort of thing you know" Will hesitated,

"Let me comee?" She pleaded, smiling at George.

"Uhh" George looked at Will and I, "sure why not" he faked a smile.

"Yay!" she kissed George on the cheek and then they returned to helping Alex. I pulled George out to his room, what was he thinking? 

"I didn't really mean to invite her and now I feel like i'm ruining movie night " he sighed, looking down.

"It's ok, she's really nice" I lied. And randomly, my thoughts kept going back to the pillow fight, weeks ago. George was so happy then, which was when i first started liking him. I had an idea.

"get over here!" I smiled as George turned and looked at me in confusion. I was sat on his bed with a small pillow, which was obviously bought at redbubble, in hand.

"What are you doing Grace?" He chuckled and sat in front of me.

I threw the weird pillow at him, hoping for a positive reaction. "you mong" he smirked, throwing one back . It hit me right in the face, we both laughed.

We carried on attacking each other with pillows until we tried to grab at the same pillow. George being sat at the edge of the bed, tugged it in his direction, which I could see was going to end badly, so i tugged back. But the tugging went on until I felt myself being pulled down with him.


I opened my eyes to see I was now on top of him. "Shit I-I'm sorry" I blushed.

We looked each other for a few moments. His heavy breathing, slowly turning me on. I felt an urge, "Fuck it" I mumbled, wrapping my hands around his neck and kissed him. To my surprise, he kissed back.

The kiss was steeped in passion, long overdue.  I didn't expect him to kiss back, after all, he had a girlfriend, who was literally a wall away.

George's POV

When she kissed me my brain lit on fire and the warmth spread throughout my entire body. I was sure I was addicted, I couldn't bare not to be with her. 

After a moment,  things felt less like a fantasy. I snapped back into reality, what was i doing? I couldn't do this, if Tess found out I'd be dead. I knew how stubborn she could be. 

I broke the kiss. "Grace.. I can't do this" 


"I have a girlfriend, she's next door for godsakes. I'm not rejecting you, this...just isn't right" small tears stung my eyes, I wanted Grace not Tess. We were silent, upset, maybe even heartbroken.

I left my room and headed to the group, I needed to break up with Tess as soon as possible. 

I knew that wasn't going to be as easy as I wanted.

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