twenty seven

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a/n: just gonna put a little warning here; if you're sensitive to subjects like rape/sexual assault you may want to avoid this chapter <3


we arrived back at caitlin's apartment and flopped on the couch. i went through my phone - 3 missed calls from george and 6 texts from alex.

i opened up imessage and read:

alex <3 

grace i am so so sorry

i messed up

you weren't meant to hear any of that

i was just mad because george still loves you

but you still love me instead right? 

right grace?


i didn't know what to say, it was almost like he was using me to get back at george. i mean i can't say i didn't do that but this is different. he's a dick. 

i typed back 


fuck you alex, we're done


i didnt like being a prick but i really didn't love alex. and with all thats happened recently, i couldn't date him anymore. i just still like george and i hated myself because of that.

"ended it then?" caitlin noticed me frowning at my screen, i nodded and stared at the missed calls anxiously. do i call george back? no surely i shouldn't, i was meant to be relieving my stress. i sighed and put my phone down and turned to caitlin.

"what should we do?" i smiled at her, pushing the drama out of my head

"well you NEED to upload, you've been taking a break from youtube for ages. and it might be a good distraction, you can focus on other people's drama instead" she was right, i hadn't uploaded in forever. and being a youtuber was my main job so i was hardly earning. i frowned. i had no equipment with me, no camera, no mic. and i was not facing the apartment again yet, i wasn't ready. "you left some shit here a couples weeks ago in that bag" she read my mind, pointing across the room.

time skip 

relieved, i turned off my camera. i'd actually recorded a decent video considering i'd had just over a month offline. it was almost relaxing focusing on the controversy of the internet instead of my own life for a change. i sunk into the couch, exhausted. i'd edit later.

"no no no do NOT sleep miss shaw!" caitlin poked me on the cheek "we're going out!" she announced 

i groaned "whyyyyy?" i was not in the mood to go anywhere right now, i just wanted a good nights sleep.

"because we haven't in ages, and before you think of excuses i have a spare outfit for you. to the club we gooo!" she pulled me off of the couch and shoved me into her room, where she had arranged 3 dresses on her bed - all unimaginably short. 

i picked up one of the mini dresses: it was a short, slinky slip dress with a rose gold glitter print and a low back detail. i decided on this dress because if i was being forced out, i might aswell make the most of it right? 

i slipped it on and to my surprise i looked ok, it fit my figure pretty well. i spun in the mirror and smiled, excited to see what caitlin was wearing.

wow, she looked beautiful - she was wearing a slim red dress at a similar length as mine with her hair delicately pulled up into a bun. and i thought i looked good. we exchanged smiles and i found myself actually a bit excited as we pulled up to the club. 

inside the club it was like dancing on the Northern Lights; beneath the dry-ice smoke swirled an array of blues, acid greens, hot pinks and gold. music blared out of speakers at all angles, fusing with the bodies. it smelt thickly of alcohol as i headed towards the bar. i daringly ordered a vodka shot and watched caitlin dance in the crowd on guys she had never met. i didn't understand her confidence, sweat already on her skin, not all of it hers, kissing guys, drinking too much. i wanted to let loose like her.

i took my shot and started dancing, it was actually pretty fun, i ordered drink after drink, knowing that the alcohol flowing into me like an IV drip would be a hell of a hangover the next morning. 

i was actually having fun 

for a while 

until the door swung open 

and i saw him. 

george had entered the club with will, im guessing for the same reason we came - to let loose, the perfect distraction. we made short eye contact 

and i then decided i needed yet another dose of alcohol to get me through this night. 

so i sat back down at the bar, with my head in my hands. someone joined me and a low male voice spoke "hey" i looked up, he was older than me with messy hair, he had obviously been drinking. not wanting to be rude, i replied with an unenthusiastic hello which he replied to with "what's a beautiful babe like you doing here alone?"

"well i actually came with my friend but she-" i looked round for caitlin but she was nowhere to be seen.

"ditched you? yeah i know what that's like" he chuckled huskily and licked his lips. i didn't reply. "so..."

all of a sudden i felt a hand on my knee, slowly moving up my thigh. my head jolted up to look at him "wh-what are you doing?" i shivered

"oh come on" he winked, moving his hand further up my dress "lets have some fun babe" he started massaging my inner thigh with his cold, wrinkled hand.

"uh.. no th-thank you" i got up as fast as possible but he got up too and grabbed my wrist "please stop, i-im not interested" i almost begged, i felt my breathing increase rapidly

"sure you are doll" he pulled me in closer and whispered in my ear "come back to mine" his cold breath staining my skin as he talked, my heartbeat was through the roof. i felt dizzy like i was going to faint, i used all my strength to push him away but his grip was too strong. i felt tears drip down my face as he laughed. 

"help!" i shouted, yet it was hardly heard over the recurring rap tracks. 

suddenly i heard a familiar voice "hey! get off her" but it was all too much, 

i staggered backward, mind swirling, breaths shallow

i fell in a heap to the floor.

the world went black

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