thirty one

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TW: in this chapter i refer back to the previous sexual assault in the club so if that upsets you i dont advise you read about halfway into this chapter

george's pov 

i shuffled over a little as grace pulled the light blanket over me. i tried to just treat this as a friendly encounter to avoid my heartbeat spiralling out of control. but in honesty, my heart was already beating a lot faster than normal. i didn't want this to be awkward, so i decided to be the confident one, smiling politely as i asked what she wanted to watch.

we both searched netflix, sniggering at weird american high school shows and films that looked absolutely shit 

until we settled on just watching youtube.  

she pressed play and we glared at the large television screen before us. she seemed perfectly involved, yet i couldn't help diverting my focus to my thoughts of that first night we hung out. it was after the party when we were watching a film - sorta similar to now except accompanied by alex, mia and will. i remember her drifting off to sleep in my arms, little did i know of her feelings towards me. i wish it was like that now. if i hadn't of let my jealousy overpower my  feelings for grace, i would've never got with tess. 

im so happy that's over now  - i hated using someone for a distraction, though she was kind of a nightmare anyway.

i glanced over at grace, who seemed to look over at me at the exact time. our eyes linger, locked in place for a few seconds before she quickly turned her head back to the screen. i felt my cheeks heat up a little and i could sense hers did too. we continued to sit in a comfortable silence with only light awkwardness in the air. 

i hated that there was probably no chance of us, because to her i was just another guy - i mean i wasn't even a good looking one either. but to me she was so much more than just another ordinary girl. she was beautiful, intelligent, funny, and i could go on... but i wont because she just saw me look at her again, causing me to drop my eyes in embarrassment. i had blown everything to do with us anyway.

to save me in the moment, my phone chimed as a text came through. grace's eyes stayed on the screen contently as i carefully pulled out my phone and checked my messages.


(minecraftblock = will, imbathwater = alex) 


minecraftblock has created a new groupchat 

members: imbathwater minecraftblock and me

chat name: george is a loser


mate wtf are u doing 


grow a pair and kiss her

you've done nothing except look at her in the past hour 

this is hopeless lmao


idk what you guys are on aboutttt 

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