Jungkooks place

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Yoongi's pov

Jimin and I stayed at the park for hours. We talked about random stuff and how our life's are so similar.

It wasn't until Jimin checked his phone and frowned that I realised we were back in reality. "Are you okay?" I asked him and he nodded slightly.

"Namjoon just text me... I need to go back." He said and I saw his face go pale as a new message came through. "What's he saying?" I asked, trying to look but Jimin switched his phone of and shrugged.

"It doesn't matter... I'm gonna stay at a friends house tonight anyway so it doesn't matter..." he said looking down and playing with his fingers. What did he say to make him go from happy to sad in a matter of seconds?

"Jimin, what did he say? Seriously..." I said, giving the younger a concerned look. Sighing, he passed me his phone and I read the messages.

Jimin don't bother coming back tonight.

Stay out of my sight and go to one of your 'friends' dorms

I locked the phone again, passing it over to Jimin. "Do you want to stay over at mine?" I asked. He shook his head straight away. "N-No, I'll just go over to Jungkooks. He lives alone so it won't be a problem." He said.

"I honestly don't mind if you come to mine Jimin." I said and he shook his head again. "It's fine, Jungkook has some of my clothes anyway."

"Okay then." I said, swinging my legs a little on the swing. We stayed quiet for a while, just looking out over some of the city you could see from here. It was getting colder now so I looked over at Jimin and saw him rubbing his arms.

I stood up, taking my jacket of and walked over to him, placing it around his top half. "Y-Yoongi hyung, you need that. Your going to be cold!" He said, trying to take it off but I kept my hands on his shoulders so he couldn't.

"I don't feel the cold anyway. You look cold so ware it. It's my fault for dragging you away form your dorm anyway." I said, slowly removing my hands from the smaller boy in front of me.

"It's not your fault... but thank you..." Jimin half whispered, putting his arms into the jacket and I laughed at how big it was on him. He looked adorable.

How could anyone be so cruel towards him? He is a innocent angel who deserves all the love in the world. I have only known him for a couple of days but I already feel lost if he isn't around.

He is the nicest person I have ever come across... not to mention the hottest.

Like, how the hell can someone be so hot and cute at the same time?! (I know how you feel Yoongi. I feel the pain)

"Hey Hyung?" He said, snapping me out of my thought. "Yea?" I asked, walking in front of him so I could see his face.

"Why are you risking your friendship with Namjoon to hang around with... me? I'm nothing special..." he said and I felt a frown creep onto my face.

"Why would you want to hang around with someone your friend hates? I don't get it..." he said and my frown remained on my face.

"Jimin, I don't care if Namjoon hates you. As far as I know, you are an amazing person who is easy to get along with and to be honest... a much better person then Joon. So don't put yourself down, okay?"

I said, hoping that will make him stop thinking like this. "But-"

"No buts Jimin, it's true. Now, let me walk you to this Jungkook's place." I said, smiling and earning a smile from Jimin. "I would say don't, but you most likely won't listen to me." He laughed.

"You know me so well already Jiminie, now, let's go."

Jimins pov

I stood up from the swing, trying not to let the nickname effect me. Why was I blushing? I don't know. We ended up talking the entire time again.

But, our hands would occasionally brush against each other, making me stutter and blush like an idiot.

"Well, this is his place..." I say, pointing to the dorm room. "I guess I will see you around then?" He asked and I nodded my head, looking down at the floor.

Oh! His jacket! "Wait, you need your jacket back!" I said. "No, keep it for today. I don't want you to be cold, plus it's really cute on you." He said, winking at the end.

I felt all the heat rushing to my face and I gently hit him, causing him to laugh. "I will message you soon Jiminie. Goodnight..." he said, kissing my cheek and then leaving.




I quickly turned round and knocked on Jungkooks door, silently hoping he is in. Luckily, he opened the door.

"Jimin! What are you doing here?" He asked and I laughed nervously. I didnt think about this part...

"Um, can I sleep here tonight?" I asked. "You can, but I want the truth this time Jimin. This is like the 3rd time you have needed to sleep over this week." He said and I visibly gulped.

He may be younger, but he is smart as hell and can tell if I'm lying. This is gonna be hard... I stepped into the dorm, falling right onto the bed.

Jungkook followed after me and sat down at the bottom, looking at me. "Spill."

I sat up, trying to think of anything to say. "Namjoon has a girl over?" I say but cursed at myself. Why did i say that?! Wait, was I even saying it or was I asking it?!

"Bullshit Chim, we all know that he is gay and likes Jin! Now tell me the truth. Why can't you sleep at your own dorm? Has he not let you back?"

Shit. What the hell kook? Why do you have to be like this...?

"Jimin, I need to tell you something..." He said softly and I lifted my head up and looked at him. "What's up Kookie?"

"I know... I know what he does to you..."

My heart stoped. "W-What...?"

Jungkook sighed and looked at me. "Do you wanna know why I don't like that.... thing?" He asked and I nodded my head.

"Because, i once came to your dorm to ask for help with the dance the teacher gave us, but when I got there I heard shouting and crying coming from behind the door.

I opened it to see what was going on and saw him there... hitting you. Ever since then I have never mentioned it because I know you. I know you wouldn't want any of your friends finding out...

But... that's what all the bruises are from, right? Is he the reason you don't like yourself? Wait no, just answer me one question, is he the reason you can't go back tonight?"

I'm... how does he... I was holding back my tears but nodded anyway. Then I felt warm arms around me and kook playing with my hair.

"Cry Jimin. Get it out of your system... I'm here for you..." he whispered, and that's when I lost it. I couldn't help but cry and cry and cry.

I hated my life so much...

No, I hated him so much...

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