I love you more

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Yoongi's pov

My head instantly snapped up. "J-Jimin...?!" I asked, as he slowly opened his eyes but then closed them because of the light.

"Yoongi..." He said back, opening his eyes fully now and looking down at me. I instantly started crying again, holding onto his hand tighter.

"Please tell me this isn't a dream... please t-tell me I'm awake!" I sobbed. "Your awake Hyung... and so am I." He said, playing with my hair with his free hand.

"I-I... I..." I tried to get out a sentence but i couldn't. I was crying to hard. "It's okay Yoongi. It's okay..." he said, lifting my face up and wiping my tears away.

"W-Wait... I need to get the doctor! I need to tell him your awake!" I said but Jimin held onto my hand even tighter. "D-Don't... I'm scared of doctors Hyung..." he said, eyes full of worry.

I quickly squeezed his hand, reassuring him. "I have stayed with you all this time, I won't leave you now." I said, kissing his cheek again and leaving to go and find the doctor.

Jimins pov

Y-Yoongi just- he just-


I can feel myself heating up... I can't believe that he has stayed in hospital all this time... I head Jin say it earlier. I wasn't purposely trying to eavesdrop, I just heard it.

I am so great-full to have a Hyung like him. He came back again, this time with a doctor behind him and I gulped. He looked so scary...

"It's okay Jiminie, he won't hurt you. He's here to help." Yoongi said, sitting next to me again and I instantly took his hand in mine, intwining our fingers.

"Hello Jimin! How do you feel?" The doctor asked, speaking softly, but I still flinched. "It's okay Jimin. I am here to help you." He explained and I felt a little bit better as Yoongi gently squeezed on my hand.

"I-I'm feeling okay... a little dizzy but that's about it..." I said, and the doctor nodded, looking down at his clip board.

"That's good news! The dizziness is a side effect but it should were off soon. For now, if it is too much we can provide some pain killers for you."

"I-I'm okay thank you." I said and he gave me a gentle smile. "Well, we will leave you here for tonight but tomorrow we will do a few more tests then release you okay?"

"Okay! Thank you so much doctor!" I said, smiling genuinely this time. "No problem young man. By the way, Yoongi here is quiet something, isn't he?"

"What do you mean sir?" I asked, confused.

"He hasn't left you once since the first night you were here. He even refused to leave so he could sleep." The doctor said and I frowned a little. I know how much Yoongi loves to sleep.

"Is that so?" I asked and the doctor chuckled a little as I looked down at Yoongi who was trying to look elsewhere but at me. "Well, I will see you again in the morning. Get a good nights rest Yoongi." The doctor said, walking out of the room.

I looked back at Yoongi and saw him yawn. "Why didn't you sleep Hyung?"

"Because I was worried about you Jiminie... you were more important than sleep..." he said and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"But you love sleep!" I tried to argue. "I love you more than sleep Jimin..." he whispered, but I still heard him. My breathing hitched and I felt tears in my eyes.

"A-Are you lying Hyung?" I said, trying to keep my tears at bay. "No. I love you Jimin. More than I love anything or anyone. I was a mess when you were asleep and I hated it." He said and I wiped my tears away.

It's now or never Jimin!

"I... I love you too Hyung." I said, looking down at our hands. "Y-You do?!" He asked and I nodded my head. I looked up at him and saw the gummy smile that was plastered on his face, making me smile too.

"Now, go back to the campus and sleep! You look exhausted." I said, and Yoongi's smile faded. "I... I can't. I don't want to leave you." He said and the butterflies in my stomach must have been on a roller-coaster at that moment.

"Then come up here and sleep with me." I said, looking down once again at our hands so he couldn't see the blush that crept up on my face. He stood up, keeping our hands together and I moved over on the surprisingly big hospital bed.

He climbed next to me and I instantly pulled the blanket over us both, allowing Yoongi to rest on the pillow too. "Good night Jiminie..." He mumbled and I giggled a little. "Good night Yoongi-Hyung." I said back and instantly heard little snores.

He must have been really tired, scrap that, he was! I looked at him for a second, admiring the way his face slightly scrunches up as he sleeps, making him look ten times cuter than what he already was.

I couldn't help but wrap my free arm around him and snuggle into his neck. He was so warm, and so adorable... I loved him so much

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