Untitled Part 23

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"wait, so you two are together now?!" Jungkook squealed, looking at the duo that were cuddling up to each other on the sofa. "Yep." Yoongi said, a smile threatening to appear as he felt Jimin nuzzle his head closer to him. 

"Why did he have to fall asleep? I could have seen you two kiss!" Jungkook suddenly whined, annoyed at the sleeping Jimin. "Hey, it was a late night last night, leave him be." Yoongi said kissing the top of Jimin's head. 

"Late night?! Did you take my best friend's ve-" "No." Yoongi cut him of before he could finish his sentence. "But you want to don't you." Hoseok joined in, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. "No. I don't wanna wreck his innocence unless he wants me to." Yoongi said firmly. 

"Why did you all come round anyway? This is my dorm." Yoongi complained. "Well, we all wanted to know if you did your plan right. And it look's like Jimin loved it." Jin said, a warm smile spread on his face. 

"Well, I wanna sleep." Yoongi said, a yawn escaping his mouth. "Well, i'll wake up Jimin and bug him instead." Jungkook said, making Yoongi give him a death glare. "Don't you dare wake him up. It's early." Yoongi said. "Why didn't you two sleep on your bed?" Taehyung asked.

"We watched some movies in here after and I guess we both fell asleep here." Yoongi said, another yawn escaping his lips. "Joon, can you do me a favour?" Yoongi asked, getting a nod from Namjoon. 

"Can you go and get my blanket please?" 


And just like that, Namjoon vanished and returned shortly after with a thick blanket in his arms. Yoongi took it, making sure not to move to much and wrapped it around Jimin. A mumble was heard from Jimin, but he didn't open his eyes. 

He moved to lay down on Yoongi's lap, his face buried in his stomach. Yoongi gently started playing with Jimin's hair, a small smile on his lips. "Your whipped." Taehyung said, making Yoongi's smile disappear. 

"Shut up." Yoongi said, another death glare in his eyes. "He's going to kill one of you guys if you continue." Jin laughed. The rest joined in with the laughing and suddenly stopped when Jimin started moving. "What's going on...?" he asked, rubbing his eyes with little fists. 

"Go back to sleep Jiminie. Everyone came over to annoy us." Yoongi said, running his hand through Jimin's hair again. Jimin laid back down, this time facing everyone while grabbing Yoongi's other hand and used it as a pilow. 

"Thats adorable!" Hoseok said, earning a blush from the sleepy Jimin. "Shut up and let me sleep." Jimin mumbled, closing his eyes again when Yoongi started to gently stroke his face with his thumb.

"Aw, look at them." Jungkook cooed, making Jimin re-open his eyes. "Are you guys gonna stay here?" Jimin whined. "Yes, we are." Taehyung said, sticking his toungue out. "your all annoying. Ecept Yoongi." Jimin mumbled the last part, but Yoongi heard him. A smile came onto his face.

"What about me!" Jin whined, and Jimin gave him a tired smile. "Your not Hyung." Jimin said, sitting up while keeping the blanket around himself. "What time is it?" He asked, lokking at his new Boyfreind. "It's 6am." He replied, watching as a frown came onto Jimins lips. 

Jimin crawled over to Yoongi, his head resting on his shouler. "I wanna sleep." He whispered. "Guys, ill be back in a second." Yoongi said, standing up and scopping his man up, earning a little squeek. 

"W-What are you doing?!" Jimin asked, clining onto Yoongi. "I'm taking you to my bed, you can sleep there for a while." Yoongi replied, walking to his room and gently placing Jimin on his bed. "Now, go back to sleep for a little bit." Yoongi said, about to stand up but Jimin stopped him by putting his hand on his. 

"Thank you Yoonie-bear" Jimin whispered, kissing his boyfriends cheek before faling back to sleep.

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