Messy confession

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Jimins pov

Everyone was congratulating the couple, even Namjoon. Was he okay with it? I'm not sure, but nothing seams to be happening at the minute so I'm safe.

"So, how long have you two been a thing?" Yoongi asked and the two love birds smiled at each other. "Not long, it's a recently new thing. But I couldn't be happier with Hobi! He is all I have ever wanted and more..." Jin said, leaning over and kissing Hobis cheek.

"Yah! Not in front of the Maknaes!" Hobi blushed and we all laughed. Well, all except one. Namjoon.

We spent the rest of the night talking about random stuff, Yoongi and I having our own conversation once again.

"It must be nice having someone love you... I'd give anything up to be loved like those two." I sighed and Yoongi gave me a soft smile. "You never know, someone might just love you Jiminie." He said, reaching out and ruffling my hair a little.

"Hopefully. I really want to cuddle and sleep in the same bed as someone. Wake up to their face every morning and-"

"Jimin, can I talk to you for a sec?" Namjoon interrupted us and my smile nearly turned into a frown. I nodded my head and he started walking to my room.

"Wait here Yoongi, okay?" I said and he gave me a nod, but I could tell he was just as nervous about it as I was. The frown on his face made it evident. I stood up, and walked to my room where I saw Namjoon with furious looking eyes.

"Shut the door." He snapped and I obeyed quickly. "W-What did you want Nam-"

"Don't say my name again you whore!" He snapped, slapping me across my face, sending tingles to my right cheek. I instantly cupped my cheek, the pain was really bad. I couldn't hear anyone talking in the living room anymore, were they all listening to this?!

"Why the fuck are those two a thing?! Especially when he knew how much I like Jin!" He practically yelled.

"C-Calm down..." I said, but that was a mistake never to be made again. "Calm down? HOW THE HELL AM I MEANT TO CALM DOWN?!"

He came at me, punching me right in my stomach. Fuck! He did it again, and again, knocking all the breath out of my slowly yet painfully.

"S-Stop!" I cried, trying my best not to fall to the ground in pain. "Don't tell me what to do you ugly pice of shit!" He yelled, kicking me this time, causing me to fall to the ground with tears steaming out of my eyes. My head banged against the floor with a thud and that was the last straw for me.

"Why me? Why do you have to do this?"

"Because, your worthless and no one will ever love you!"

I hear running from the living room. Shit! I told him to stay there! Why has he-

"I love him!" Yoongi said, bursting in through the door. My heart began to race and I felt a lump in my throat, did he really just say that? Did he mean it?! Tears came out of my eyes faster, this was all so painful!

"What do you mean? How can you love someone as worthless as... that thing!" Namjoon yelled, kicking me again. I let out a painful yelp and hid my face. I don't want anyone to see me crying.


Jungkook... I can tell that's him. I can hear people screaming, but I don't know what anymore. All I can focus on is the words Yoongi said, and the unbearable pain.

Did he really mean those words? Or was he just saying them to prove Namjoon wrong? Why was my heart hurting so much? Why is my vision going black? Why does it feel like I'm falling?

Yoongi's pov

Jungkook, Taehyung, Hoseok and Jin were all pinning Namjoon down, not letting him hurt Jimin more than he had. I, on the other hand, was now kneeling next to Jimin, his body completely still and not moving.

What the hell had happened? Has he hurt him that bad?

"Jimin?" I called out, no response.

"Jiminie?" I said, a little louder this time and I shock him, but still no response. Shit!

"Jin! Call the ambulance! NOW!" I said, tears threatening to leave my eyes as I scooped Jimin onto my lap, checking if he is still breathing. Good, he is!

"Namjoon you moron! Why the fuck did you do this?! Did it make you feel better, beating up an innocent child who did nothing wrong to you at all! You stupid idiot!" I screamed, trying my best to wake Jimin up with no luck again.

"There on their way Yoongi! They will be here soon!" Jin informed me and I looked down at the boy in my arms.

"Y-Yoongi-Hyung... is Jimin going to be okay?" Jungkook asked, removing himself from a now shocked Namjoon and sitting beside me, holing onto Jimins hand.

"I don't know Kookie. I DONT FUCKING KNOW!" I yelled, finally letting the tears fall down my face and I burried my face into Jimins chest, trying to get a response but still nothing.

"I- I didn't want this to happen... I didn't want to hurt him this bad... I fucked up!" Namjoon finaly said and I lifted my head up, glaring at him. "If I loose the only boy i have loved in my life, then I will kill you. I don't care if you are meant to be my friend, because right now, your not. Your dead to me Joon." I spat and then the paramedics rushed in with a worried looking Jin behind them.

"Okay, we need to talk him to the hospital now! We can't figure out what is wrong with him, so we need more support then this." They said after looking at him and doing some tests. My heart dropped.

"One of you can come in the ambulance with him, the rest of you will have to drive there." One of the paramedics said. "Yoongi, go with him." Jungkook said and i nodded my head, following the men to the ambulance.

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