Secret plans

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"So, are you guys doing anything for valentine's day?" Jin asked, looking at everyone. "Nope, I'm just going to stay in my room and watch movies." Taehyung said, earning laugh's. "What about you Yoongi-Hyung and Jiminie~" Jungkook asked, making Jimin blush.

"I haven't sorted anything out. Taehyung's plan sounds pretty good to me." Jimin mumbled, earning a smirk from Yoongi that he missed. The truth is, everyone knows that Yoongi has a surprise for Jimin, and they are all supportive of the idea.

"What are you doing Hyung?" Jimin asked, looking to the side at Yoongi. "I'm not doing anything. Well, I have some things to do but not many." Yoongi said, hating himself for lying, but he needed this plan to work.

"Can you at least stop by tomorrow? Watch one movie with me?" Jimin asked, putting his bottom lip out into a pout. "Fine, But just one okay?" Yoongi said, chuckling as a smile spread across Jimins face. "Thank you hyung!" Jimin said.

"Wait, Jimin can you come with me tomorrow?" Jungkook asked suddenly, going straight into the plan. "But I wanna watch movies..." Jimin pouted. "Please Hyung? I really want someone to come with me." Jungkook asked, also making puppy eyes.

"Where though?"

"Just to the shop. I need to buy somethings." Jungkook said, earning a nod from Jimin. "Fine." "Great! Be ready by 3pm!" Jungkook said, earning a confused look. "Why that time?"

"Hey, even I have things to do on Valentine's Day!" Jungkook said, making Jimin giggle. "Fine, Fine." Jimin said, the smile not leaving his face.

Yoongi looked at his watch and saw the time, mentally cursing himself. "Guys, i need to do something. I will be back soon." He said, standing up and running away, leaving a sad Jimin behind.

"What's up Jiminie?" Taehyung asked, looking concerned. "I don't know..." Jimin lied, tears forming in his eyes. "You can tell us Jimin." Namjoon said, a sincere look on his face. Jimin sighed, wiping his tears away. 

"It's Yoongi-Hyung. I think he hates me. He hasn't been spending as much time with me as he used too and I don't like it. I don't know what I have done wrong, but I will accept full responsibility to have my Yoonie back." Jimin said, tears leaving his eyes.

Everyone looked at each other, all feeling guilty. They all know why Yoongi hasn't been around Jimin, but they cant tell him. "Hey, Yoongi has been pretty busy recently, you haven't done anything wrong." Jungkook said, a smile on his face. 

meanwhile Yoongi's phone was buzzing. He took it out of his pocket and read the message from Jin. He thanked himself for not being too far away his dorm as he ran back as fast as he could, almost falling.

As soon as he got to the dorm, he barged in. "Jiminie!" He shouted, walking up to the said male. "Yoongi-Hyung?" Jimin asked. "I forgot something." Yoongi said, instantly wrapping his arms around Jimin. "I'll see you soon Chim." Yoongi whispered, pulling away and kissing Jimin's cheek before running away again.

Jimin stood there, hand over his cheek and a massive smile on his face. Everyone cooed at the adorable smile and mentally praised Jin for his quick thinking. 

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