happy ending

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-4 years later-

"I can't believe this is happening!" Jimin screamed, running around in circles. "Calm down Chim, we need to get you ready!" Taehyung laughed, wrapping his arms around Jimin to make him stop. 

"Guy's, I just can't believe this. I'm the luckiest man alive and I want to thank you for being by my side. Thank you Jungkook for agreeing to be my best man and Taehyung, thank you for being my ring man! Jin, thank you for agreeing to walk down the aisle with me." Jimin said, tears in his eyes.

"Anything for you Jiminie." They all said, everyone crashing into a hug. After a couple more minutes, Jimin was finally dressed in his white suit, a flower crown decorating his now pink hair. "You look amazing Jimin! Yoongi isn't going to know what hit him." Taehyung said. 

With one last deep breath, the men all walked together to the big church doors. "We will see you guys inside." Jungkook said, giving Jimin one last hug and took Taehyung's hand in his, walking into the hall.

"Are you ready?" Jin asked, putting his arm out for Jimin to take. "I'm as ready as I will ever be!" Jimin replied, putting his hand through the gap in Jin's arm. "But, i'm still nervous. Our families are here and our friends... there is so many people." Jimin said.

"It's fine, keep your eyes on Yoongi, i'm sure he will be doing the same with you. You're going to rock this!" Jin said, encouraging his nervous friend, and it did the trick. Music started to play inside, and that was Jin's cue to walk Jimin down the aisle. 

With one last little squeeze on his arm, the doors opened and Jimin looked ahead and a smiling Yoongi caught his attention. A wide smile spread across Jimin's face as he and Jin started walking. People were wiping tears already in the audience.

Once Jimin reached the end, he gave Jin a hug and Jin walked to the side of the stage where his boyfriend was waiting for him. Yoongi took Jimin's hand, squeezing it gently in his. "You look stunning." He whispered, only loud enough for Jimin to hear.  

"Ladys and gentlemen," The priest started. " I am here today to bring two souls together. You guys will face a lot of struggles in your life, but you will get through them together. Now, for your vows." 

With that being said, Yoongi cleared his through.

"Park Jimin, you make me the happiest man on this earth today, and I want you to know just how much you have changed me for the best. I would probably be a mess right now if you didn't meet me. And not to mention, you made everyone come closer together again. You have done many wonders Jiminie, and I don't understand how I was the chosen one to be with an angel like you. You are the reason I wake up each morning with a smile on my face," Yoongi said, watching Jimin wipe a few tears away. "And I want it to continue like that for the rest of my life. I want you to continue giving me all the strength I have. You mean the whole universe to me Park Jimin." Yoongi finished, sliding the ring onto Jimin's figure.

"Min Yoongi," Jimin started of, his voice cracking from crying. "You are an idiot, your stubborn and your lazy" Jimin said, making everyone chuckle. "But you also always make time for me. You always show your true colours to me, and that makes me incredibly happy. It's only me that gets to see the soft fluff ball you actually are, and I love that. You always make me happy when I doubt myself and you give me this sense of hope that no one else can give me. I want to grow old with you and I want it to only be with you. I love you and only you." Jimin said, getting the ring of Taehyung and putting on the teary Yoongi's fingure. 

"Now, I may pronounce you Min Jimin and Min Yoongi. You may kiss the groom." And with that, Yoongi pulled Jimin close and pressed his lips onto his, both of them smiling like mad men at the same time. They pulled apart and everyone was on their feet, cheering and clapping.

"I love you Min Yoongi." 

"I love you more Min Jimin." 

The end


A/N: Thank you for all the support I got with this book! I wanted to end it in a special way so.... I made them get married!!!! 

I have another Yoonmin book in the making and I will be publishing it soon, so I hope you guys will read that once its fully done. 

Its called short time.

Once again, thank you guys!!!!! <3<3

Choi Nari~

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