Part Thirty-six

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What should I say, a crazy writer's block 🤯
And then came the best 10 days of the year (Hajj). Finally there is something I could put up together!

Part Thirty-six

One month later

The silence in the room was disrupted by ringing of the alarm, waking up one of the inhabitants of the room, Asad reached for the alarm, switching it off, he pulled back the comforter and sat up straight, he wiped his palms over his face and dragged himself to bathroom. He returned ready for the prayer and switched on the lamp, he shook Zoya awake and left for prayer.

Zoya went downstairs to prepare breakfast with Sabera, she smiled at Sabera and started deciding what to be made. Asad returned when it was almost time for his office and went upstairs to get ready.

A lot has changed in a month, it took him a month for Zoya's treatment and then another month where she was improving but changing,  his life had gone back to normal, not normal in the way it was with Zoya but without her. Well that was the case, he lives with a woman who was determined to be a stranger, forced to stay with him without her will.

He selected the suit and started dressing, she no longer tried to do anything that would make her stay in his company, unfortunately for her, past month he was working from home more time than in office and lucky too as he spent all his time locked up in study. He searched for his cufflinks and opened his wardrobe, he found something else in his locker, his gifts to Zoya, she had kept them back, he never saw her wearing the ring or chain after the miscarriage. He sighed recalling what could have been his life if they hadn't lost their baby. He shook his head to push back those thoughts, why remember something that was going to give you pain.

He adjusted his tie looking at himself in mirror. Life was odd, he never spent too much time on something or someone but he was still with Zoya even after she had made sure he knew that she doesn't want anything to do with him. He was confused with his own behavior. He walked downstairs with his office bag. They ate breakfast in silence, which was common when they were together. Asad watched her as she ate without looking up from her plate for once. He shrugged and concentrated on his food.

They were back to the place they had started, he was married yet he wasn't, he had her  company yet he was alone. Zoya was gone being the same silent and scared Zoya, she did recover from depression but she had finally accepted that there was no normal life for her or anyone related to her. And she was making sure no one tried to help her out of it. She won't even let her family help her.

There weren't any attacks after the last one, they didn't find where Haseena went, her family were in a village but they too don't know where she was. He looked up as Zoya coughed. He passed her water, she took it mumbling thank you without looking at him. He rolled his eyes. It was all like initial days of their marriage, where she had nothing to do with him, she wanted to leave and stay away from him and he was forcing her to stay with him, well the only change was, she would now ask him to get married for second time and leave her for good, or ' relive her of this burdensome marriage ' were her exact words. He had stopped arguing with her and had stopped being caring too. Only his anger could get her to agree to things and the trump card he has 'I own 50% of your father's company, I can destroy him within a blink of an eye' were his exact words and that's the result , madam though worried about her unluckiness still stayed with him. Muttering Allah Hafiz he left and like everyday she waited until he was out of earshot before replying back. She then walked towards window and watched his car zooming out of sight, she hadn't stepped out of the house, she had only gone for her sessions but she wasn't allowed to go anywhere else, precisely her parents house. Since she started getting better , her only wish was leave Asad's house and after trying to make her talk sense, Asad gave up and finally declared she wasn't going there until he wishes, not just her parents house, she wasn't allowed to step out of the house alone, though he knew she can never step out by herself.

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