Part Fifty One

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Fifty One

Zoya relaxed back on her chair, her eyes were aching after staring at the laptop screen for so long, they were back to work. They returned earlier than others, his aunts were leaving back to their destination after spending some time at Zeenat's and Arbaaz returned back to his accommodation, she still felt little guilty as he had to stay in other place on rent even though he had his brother's house here and when his brother had actually forgiven him, she didn't know how to solve this problem.

"May I come in?"

"Come in Najma."

"The team has assembled in the conference hall, we are waiting for you." Zoya nodded at Najma and asked her to go ahead, she will join in few minutes. She sighed once Najma left, she was tired of the work, they hadn't rested properly after returning from Agra and they had to rush back to work as Asad had some important meetings lined up. Though she had accepted Asad's word but still she did feel his guilt was one of the reasons he was still with her, it didn't bother her much, she didn't want to think about something and worry herself when she and Asad were doing fine, she liked them being happy and comfortable with each other. She left for the conference hall. What she was worried about was Asad's behavior, he was under some kind of stress, he avoids speaking on calls when she is around, she hoped nothing wrong was happening, things must be fine, as far as she knew, their company was doing good then what's the new problem and then there were her reports, in a day she will be facing them, either a hope or a confirmation of her incapability. She got involved in her work to distract herself.

Asad rotated the paperweight on the table absentmindedly, today Zoya's reports will arrive, he was hoping for a positive outcome, then there was Mughal architecture tender, that was approaching, he needed to concentrate on his tender and the designs but he couldn't there was another worry, the case Haider was investigating was getting serious than he expected, Zoya's safety was worrying him and even his own. He was determined to keep Zoya safe no matter what.

He dropped Zoya at home and drove towards the clinical lab to collect her reports, throughout the way, he kept making dua to get a good news. He arrived and was asked to wait at the reception. He was getting irritated with the delay, he was waiting since an hour and he wasn't being called. He went to receptionist again, she directed him towards the another desk where lab reports are handed over. He left towards that side.

"What do you mean by you don't have the reports?!" Asad asked trying hard to keep his anger in check.

"Sir, there was a short-circuit in the room we store the patient reports after scanning them, we lost reports of many patients." He replied.

"Fine, you guys scanned reports right, print her reports." The guys typed Zoya's name after asking for a correct spelling of her name and his name. He repeated his actions testing Asad's patience.

"Actually due to a virus , our databases got damaged, we have lost the data of some patients and I guess your wife's is one of them." He replied looking scared.

"Are you kidding me?! I am going to complain against the management!" Asad gritted. He marched off in opposite direction, he was very angry.

"Mr.Khan?" He turned to find the gynecologist that had treated Zoya.

"You here?" She asked with confusion, he told her about the purpose. She sighed giving him sympathetic looks.

"Mr.Khan, if there was even 1% of chance of Zoya conceiving  I would have told you about any treatment that would work." She replied gravely.

"Her reports were very clear that time." Asad sighed, he excused himself and left for home.

Zoya was marching in living room with worry, it was getting late and Asad hadn't returned, she had had her dinner and medicine as instructed by him, she was getting worried, she hoped he comes home straight and wouldn't drive off to somewhere else because of the disappointment, she knew her reports were negative, he would have called her by now if he had found some hope.

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