Part Thirty-nine

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Part Thirty-nine

Zoya was happy, she felt good after being able to do something, it wasn't much and just an idea that she had presented on a paper but major step would be transforming it into reality. 

"Ya Allah" She slapped her forehead, she wanted to ask Asad if she can leave early as she had no work for today, it slipped her mind. He must have left for the meeting by now. She shook her head, how will she actually go home? She can't travel alone in taxi, then Asad doesn't like her travelling alone with the driver, who would drop her if he was going in opposite direction.

"Well, let's just see if the interiors can be improved." She muttered pulling the laptop towards her.

Asad took his seat, everyone was yet to settle down. The meeting was about having friendly ties among each company, everyone gave their presentations about how can they achieve it and discussed about they should be established. Gafoor discreetly acknowledged Asad's greetings, though now it wasn't a secret, the news had been making rounds among the business circle but wasn't confirmed as no one approached Asad or Gafoor for it's confirmation. Asad had finally decided to announce his and Zoya's Nikah to everyone and Gafoor agrees to it, but this was first time Zoya stepped in the matter asking not to do it yet. Asad did understand her reasons, she has not yet been able to get over the fact that she wasn't right for him and still wants to leave him, with their nikha news still between families there wasn't problem but once it's revealed to everyone and then they separate, it will have indirect effect on reputation of both companies let the matter remain a rumour until the tender. Asad was still determined to make the announcement with or without Zoya's consent.

"Congratulations Asad" Someone spoke from behind and Asad turned to find one of his rival in architecture business. Well can’t even consider him a rival, he didn't know he would attend the meeting too, because of his womanizer image and drinking habits, his company was barely stable but mostly due to his careless attitude , no one trusts him enough to invest in his company and his company was in losses , credit goes to his bad habits. They never shared a good rapport even though studying together, their dislike for each other only increased when they started working and both eyed Mughal Architecture tender.

"For what Ahil Baig?" Asad asked actually confused.

"Ahh now no need to fake innocence, everyone in business circle knows you got married to Gafoor Farooqi’s daughter and rumor has it you will be inheriting her share in his property." He said taking sip from his alcohol flask. Asad tried his best to mask his disgust.

"If you say so..." Asad wanted to leave for his next meeting. He didn't want to have any  conversation with him.

"Couldn't get tender so chose easy path, married his daughter, everyone knows Tender is always his , now it will be yours, smart move I say" Ahil gave lopsided grin.

"I am getting late. Bye" Asad turned to leave.

"So soon ? Let’s catch up or your wife is waiting for you, heard she is beautiful" He said in tone which didn’t go well with Asad.

"I would appreciate if you wouldn’t say anything related to my wife and I have other commitments." Asad said trying to keep his tone as cool as possible. He didn't want to pick a fight in the same building most of his clients have gathered. Ahil gave a bitter smile.

"Sorry man" Ahil said , Asad knew it was a grudging apology, throwing him a disgusted look, Asad left the place, he had another important meeting to attend. But he wondered how Ahil was sure about his marriage while to whomever the news has reached weren't that sure. He would have got confirmation with Asad defending his wife. The only one in business knew it was Mittal. 

Asad came out of meeting, it took more time than expected and he couldn’t inform Zoya he would be late but he hoped she hadn't left for home alone, he still needs to be on alert when it comes to Zoya. And he should get her a cell again, madam has some kind of problem with cellphones, He checked her cabin and found her sleeping with head rested on her folded arms, as she leaned over the table, he sighed, she was exhausting herself in her work.

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