Part Forty eight

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Part Forty-eight

Asad picked up Ayaan and the ladies from airport, Nuzhat was the most excited about the alliance, she couldn't wait to drop at Humaira's and meet her. Ayaan did look nervous, he hoped things work out, in following days official talks began, Ayaan got more nervous because of the description Asad gave of Gafoor, according to him Gafoor was anything but kind to his son-in-law and that would be same with Ayaan. Ayaan was allowed to speak to Humaira chaperoned by Gafoor. Ayaan can't recall any conversation as awkward as this in his life.

The alliance was fixed, the elders decided the date for Nikah, it was in a month's time, it was decided that they will have Nikah in masjid and Walima on same day trying to follow the Sunnah and have a marriage which had Allah's mercy and blessings, as in marriage the Bride's family should not be burdened but Gafoor wanted the expenses to be shared he wouldn't agree with them paying completely. He said it was unfair to let them pay when he can afford. They wanted the wedding to be held in Bhopal but Khala wanted it to be in Agra as they have most relatives there. The things were finalized to avoid any arguments, Nikah and a function will be done here and then Walima will be in Agra, Ayaan and his family left back to Agra to prepare for the wedding and here the shopping began.

Asad finally some time alone, he had work but he couldn't find time with all the commotion that had been happening, he was working on his laptop, he closed his eyes leaning back on the chair.

Zoya was excited for her sister’s wedding but was worried what if she causes any problem there. She didn't want to spoil her sister's special day. Asad found Zoya distressed, he did notice her hesitation to even join the shopping.

"Now what? Planning to skip your sister’s wedding?" Asad was angry as he saw her hesitation.

"I don’t want to cause any problem, what if.." She was cut off.

"Zoya I never thought you could be so idiotic! You are frustrating me now, how many times should I tell you there is nothing like unluckiness or being bad luck for anyone, whatever ever happened was just destiny now just let it go!" He was exasperated by her stupidity, how many times will he have to keep asking her to stop it?

"Anyone near me will get hurt!"

"You know in this process of distancing everyone you will be left alone, you will loose me and even your family." He gritted holding her arms in tight grip.

"Those deaths and your accident.. our baby" She started frustrating Asad.

"I’m tired of explaining it to you again and again, you make me feel like I wasted my time! I realised all my efforts were useless, you are not gonna change! I now regret marrying you, even if I married you I should have kept it a compromise but no I was stupid enough to consider this marriage and falling for you!" Zoya looked down almost in tears.

"You say you love me right?!" Zoya nodded.

"No you don't! when you can’t love your family over your insecurities then how can you love me? You love only yourself, you only think about yourself! It's all about what you feel, what you want, you emotions, your pain , never about anyone elses, you do what you want and just seek sympathy by saying you're doing that for others! You are selfish!" He yelled hurting Zoya with his words.

"You wanted me to leave you right?" Zoya didn't reply, she can't deny that thing. How many times had she asked him to let her go, numerous times and he refused each time.

"If this is what you want then fine, you stay in this room I am leaving and you have full freedom to leave the house and go wherever
you want. I free you of this relationship!" She stumbled as he left her and went out banging the door behind him. It took her few moments to realise what just happened, she slumped on floor crying bitterly.

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