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4 months later.

Adryian walked around her apartment cleaning everything while " Holding back the years " by Simply red played on the speakers, cleaning was what she did when she was bored.

she wore a grey hoodie and black short shorts and red fuzzy socks. Her real hair was in a ponytail and she didn't have on any make up. Finally in her life since her brother's passing, she was at peace. These past four months she did nothing but protect her energy at all cost, as she should. Not only had she matured, she had grown closer to god and was learning to really love herself. She distances herself from those who were no good for her or who she felt were toxic and brought the people that were good in her life closer to her. She hadn't talked to Kasuan since the last time she saw him and when ever someone brought him up to her she would quickly change the subject. It saddened her that he made no effort to see Sehkani but it was what it was. She learned her lesson, no love lost.

She stopped cleaning and decided to help herself out to a glass of red wine. She looked around the house

" I think he's hungry " her new friend, Kai said bringing Sehkani who had just woken up from his nap to where she was. Sehkani rubbed the sleep from his eyes, he was getting so big Adryian thought.

 Sehkani rubbed the sleep from his eyes, he was getting so big Adryian thought

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* Kai *

" You know what to do " Adryian said nonchalantly, holding her glass up to her mouth

" Alright " Kai smiled before walking to the kitchen. She put Sehkani in his feeding chair and started to make him something to eat and Adryian watched her

Adryian met Kai three months ago one morning at Starbucks and they hit it off from there. Both had just gotten out of bad relationships and only wanted a friendship. They had grown close in a very short time and Adryian felt comfort with Kai. Kai was understanding, kind and gentle, and also really good with Sehkani who he quickly became fond of. They spent every day together like they were best friend's and had even talked about Kai moving in with them.

" Why are you looking at me like that ? " Kai asked noticing Adryian was watching her feed Sehkani his baby food

" I'm not looking at you, I'm looking at my son " Adryian lied. She laughed making Kai laugh, Kai loved her laugh, it was contagious.

" Yeah okay "

" Actually I was wondering if you wanted to come out with tonight to my cousin's birthday party " Adryian confessed. Even though Adryian and Tania hadn't talked in months she couldn't miss her cousin's birthday

" Tonight ? What time ? " Kai asked before making a silly face as she moved the spoon closer to Sehkani

" It's a formal event so you have to dress up and if you're going with me we have to be color coordinated .. it starts at eight "

" That's fine with me, I'll come pick you up at eight thirty " Kai replied " Who's gonna' watch Kani "

" My mom " Adryian replied, she was so happy her mom and sister's had moved to Atlanta and were now closer to her. She only let her mom babysit Sehkani now because she didn't trust anybody else.

" Bet " Kai said


Kasuan sat in the lounge drinking a bottle of Hennessy out the bottle, his eyes blood shot red as three strippers danced all over him. He was on cloud nine right now, the drugs were kicking in and so was the alcohol. These past couple of months from the outside looking in to everybody Kasuan looked like he was living his best life as a newly single man but on the inside he was hurting, bad. He used pills, lean, weed and alcohol to escape the pain and depression and if he was ever sober which he hardly was, he was very moody. Not only did he use that, but he also used women and after finding out Kenisha had given him Chlamydia, he stopped fucking women including her without a condom

" How much I gotta' spend to take you home ? " he said to one stripper with bright red hair

" Your cute " She said looking him in the face " But I'm not for sale baby, not tonight "

Kasuan looked at the one in the middle with blonde hair and smiled " What about you? " He said, she was feeling on his dick the most

" Not tonight baby " she replied, she would've if he wasn't drunk

" Aye man you straight ? " Devin asked, he had noticed Kasuan looking out of it

" Hell Yeah, you needa' get fucked up too nigga " Kasuan said slowly, leaning the bottle close to Devin, spilling some in the process one stripper. She caught an attitude, looking at him in disgust and quickly got up and left. " Fuck you bitch .. I gotta' stop fucking with hoes I find in the club " He joked throwing shade at Adryian

" Give me this " Devin said snatching the bottle away from Kasuan. He got up and poured the rest into a near by trash can

" Aye nigga, the fuck you do that for ? " Kasuan said catching an attitude. The two strippers moved away and Devin snatched Kasuan up by the arm and pulled him out the club. Confused to why they were even there at four in the afternoon.

" Look at yourself Kasuan, you letting yo' self go man. Get yo' shit together " Devin yelled. He knew Kasuan was hurting but it was time to move on, Adryian wasn't coming back any time soon and Kasuan was just going to have to accept it. Devin just wanted his friend to get it together.

Kasuan began to feel dizzy, he rubbed his stomach . " Hold up " He said before rushing to a near by trash can and throwing up

" Aye man you gotta' take him home " The bouncer said to Devin, making a face of disgust

Devin walked up to Kasuan and rubbed his back as he threw up in the trash can. What was he going to do with him he thought.

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