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A month later

Adryian sat inside of her clothing store " LUSH boutique " behind the front counter checking her email on her laptop. Today was a slow day and they barely had any costumers, only Keyarri, Aria and one of her employees-Toya were working today.

Keyarri re-stocked a few racks with clothing and Aria swept around with her headphones in, blasting music

The bell on top of the front door rang signaled someone was walking inside the store, everyone looked up but Adryian and Aria. The person that walked in was Kenisha holding a little girl that looked to be about five and another person that looked older than her

" Hi welcome to Lush, if you need any help let me know " Aria smiled setting the broom aside

Kenisha looked around the store with an unimpressed look on her face and the other lady followed her around. Keyarri looked up and her eyes widened, it couldn't be Kenisha she thought to herself. She whistled to Adryian to get her attention, Adryian looked up and Keyarri motioned her to look at Kenisha. Adryian's eye's widened when she saw her. She closed her laptop and quickly stood up, she walked over to Kenisha and cleared her throat to get her attention.

" How can I help you ?"  Adryian asked crossing her arms over her chest.

" I was just looking around " Kenisha replied pulling a shirt a little to look at it, she moved it back and looked up at Adryian " long time no see "

" It's been how many years? ... Don't think I won't fuck you up still " Adryian said. She still held a grudge towards Kenisha and the feeling was very mutual.

" It's something she needs to tell you " Kenisha's mother said

" You got five minutes before I kick y'all out my store " Adryian replied

Kenisha passed her mom the little girl she was holding and pulled out a small stack of papers from out her purse and passed them to Adryian " I just wanted you to know that Kasuan is the father of my daughter Amour " she said, Adryian looked over the papers in shock, it was a birth certificate, DNA test results showing Kasuan was the father and other papers and a few pictures of them all together. She thought Kasuan had been left Kenisha alone. " Im not trying to break up anybody's family or whatever y'all got going on but Kasuan hasn't seen his daughter since before he was sent to jail and now that he's out the least he could do is FaceTime her or come see her, she hasn't seen her daddy in a year and I feel like she should be able to see her other siblings " she added

" I know it's a lot to take in right now but I felt as if you have the right to know " Kenisha's mom said

Adryian's head began to spin, it was just too much to take in, she slowly sat down on a near by chair. Aria listened to the whole thing, she couldn't believe it. Keyarri sat there in shock.

" The only reason I'm telling you this is because at this point you deserve to know... you're too good for him Adryian, you and your kids deserve better " Kenisha said " You've put up with his bullshit long enough and so have I "

" Thank you for telling me all of this " Adryian said trying to remain strong, she would never cry in front Kenisha even though that's all she wanted to do

" I just have one question " Keyarri said to Kenisha

" Yes? "

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