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Two weeks later

Adryian woke up around 3 in the morning to her phone was going off, she got up out of bed without waking Kasuan up and walked downstairs to the kitchen before calling the number back again.

"Hello" Adryian said into the phone, rubbing the sleep out her eyes. What could be so important that someone had to blow up her phone this late

"He-hey baby"

" Dad ? " Adryian replied, recognizing her father's voice, a voice she hadn't heard since she was twelve.

How did he even get my number, she thought to herself

"Ye-yes baby girl, it's me... I know we haven't talked in a very long time but I need a favor, can you do it fa me baby please .."

Adryian sniffled thinking back to the day her father left their family.

* flash back *

A younger Adryian woke up around 11 in the morning on a cold December Monday, she was staying home from school since she had caught the flu. She grabbed her favorite doll and walked to the kitchen in the small apartment. She opened the fridge, her little stomach was starting to make noises. Just like every other day, the only thing in the fridge was bottles of beer or whiskey and a few other things. Her parents were struggling to feed four kids. Adryian grabbed the half empty carton of milk and a box of cheerios and made herself a bowl of cereal. She sat at the old black kitchen table and ate. It was so cold in the house.

Her father- Jermaine, unlocked the front door and walked inside letting some of the cold December air in with him. He closed the door and took off his big winter coat and hat. He walked into the kitchen.

" Goodmorning baby girl " he smiled, he gave Adryian a hug and a kiss on the cheek

" Goodmorning daddy " she smiled with a mouth full of Cheerios

" How you feeling ? " he asked placing a hand on her forehead

She moved away and laughed " Your hands are cold " she said

" is your mom up yet?"

" I don't know " Adryian shrugged

Her father walked to their bed room and found his girlfriend, Paula asleep in their bed with an empty bottle of alcohol on the nightstand next to her. He shook his head and closed the bedroom door, he walked back into the kitchen and opened the fridge

" Remind me to go grocery shopping " he said to Adryian, he grabbed two bottles of beer and closed it. Adryian finished her cereal and put her dishes in the sink. She held her doll close to her and watched as her father finished one bottle in less than two minutes and walk to the living room, he turned on the tv and sat down on the couch.

Adryian walked back to her room and sat down in the middle of the floor. She sat her doll down in front of her and played with the few toys she had.

Paula woke up from her deep sleep with the worst hang over and like every other morning, she woke up alone with Jermaine nowhere in sight. She got out of bed and slipped on an old sweatshirt and a pair of grey yoga pants. She brushed her hair back and slowly walked to the living room.

" Where were you last night ?" She asked Jermaine

" Work " he mumbled not taking his eyes off the tv screen

" Lies " Paula yelled throwing a pillow from the couch at him

" Don't start that shit Paula " he replied in a serious tone

" Stop fucking that whore you've been fucking, you thought I wouldn't find out " she said, she picked up the pillow and started to hit him with it " I haven't done shit but be good to you, and this is what you do to me ? " she cried " Your kids need you"

" They need you too" he yelled standing up " I take care of EVERYTHING, I give them whatever they need, I put clothes on their back and food their stomachs and all you do is sit around all day drinking your life away because you lost that stupid job "

" That's not true " Paula cried

" Bet you didn't know she won first place in her class spelling bee , oh wait you didn't.. you were too drunk to even make it to the school that night "  Jermaine yelled " and I bet you didn't know she made all A's on her report card either "

" Don't try to turn this on me " Paula yelled

" All you want to do is argue Paula, that's all you do when you're not drunk " Jermaine said, this was an everyday thing. All they did was argue and he was tired of it.

Jermaine was annoyed and he knew his temper was short, he tried to walk away and Paula pushed him from behind. He turned around and backhanded her. She fell to the floor and held her face in shock. He stood over her and gave her multiple punches to her face and body

Adryian opened her bedroom door just a little so she could see what was going on. She saw her dad hovering over her mother with his fist balled. Jermaine was more than mad, he had been trying to stay calm but Paula kept picking at him knowing he was bipolar. Paula tried to stand up and hit him and pushed her to the ground. Adryian closed her eyes but that didn't stop her from hearing her father's hits connect to her mothers face and body as her mother yelled out in pain. Begging him to stop, but he had already blacked out and couldn't.

Adryian ran out from her room " Daddy stop " she yelled, she tugged at his arm and without thinking, he punched her in the face. When he realized what he had done, he stood there in shock. Adryian held onto her face and cried, she looked up at her dad scared she would get the same treatment as her mom. Jermaine walked to their bedroom and packed a bag of clothes, he grabbed the money box and his gun and left the house.

Adryian crawled over to her mom and wrapped her arms around her " it's okay mommy " she cried, her mom cried in her arms. " it's okay " is all she continued to say.

And she never saw or heard from her dad again.

* flash back over *

Adryian slowly removed her phone from ear before hanging up. Hearing her dad's voice opened wounds she thought had healed. She slowly walked back up the stairs and to her bed room. Kasuan was still asleep. She triedto go back to sleep but she couldn't, she couldn't stop thinking about her dad.

" What's wrong " Kasuan mumbled still half way sleep, he heard her sniffles

" Nothing, go back to sleep " she replied

Finally after what seemed to be a hour of tossing and turning she finally fell asleep.


" Why didn't you tell me you were gay ? " Aria asked sitting in KJ's room laying down next to him flipping through a magazine

KJ let out a deep breath " I just felt like nobody would accept me.. you know "

" But we're like best friends, we tell each other everything.. you could've told me "

KJ sat up and looked at her " So be real with me.. " he said giving her a look

" What ? " Aria laughed

" Why you always acting funny when uncle Dwight come around ? " KJ asked

Aria's heart dropped, she brought her attention back to the magazine she was flipping through. " No reason "

" Mhmmmm " KJ said, he knew she was lying and he was going to find out why.

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