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" Oh shit " somebody yelled. A crowd was forming and everybody had their phones out trying to record the fight.

Aria didn't know what was going on but when she realized she was fighting she went crazy. Cynn fucked up and let Aria get up as she held on to her hair and gave her weak hits to the back of her head, Aria grabbed her hair with one hand and punched her in the face with the other. Cynn fell letting Aria get on top, she didn't even realize it was Aria who she was fighting she just saw Karter kissing another girl and snapped.

" Bitch " Aria yelled punching Cynn one last time before Karter pulled her off of her and away from the fight

" You ain't shit Karter " Cynn yelled as a random boy from school pulled her the opposite direction

KJ and Dre walked outside the house to see what everybody had went out there for and KJ was shocked to see his sister getting pulled by Karter with her hair looking a mess

" You okay?" KJ asked checking her face " What happened ? "

" Let me go " Aria yelled snatching away from Karter. She had an attitude and acted just like her mom when she was mad.

The party was over.

" What happened? You good ? " Sehkani asked rushing over to his sister after a few people had told him she had just got into a  fight

" Can we just go home" Aria said

" I'm so sorry-

" Leave me alone Karter " Aria yelled snatching away from him, her eyes watery. She passed KJ the car keys and the three siblings left. They rode in silence for a few minutes before KJ decided to speak up

" Can you tell me what happened ? " KJ asked

" I don't even know, I was outside with Karter then next thing you know i get pulled down by my hair " Aria mumbled

When they got home Aria rushed to her parents room to tell them what happened and Adryian went off on KJ and Sehkani, her blood was boiling. " It's your job to protect your sister not let her get into a fight, where the fuck were you ? " she yelled facing Sehkani

He shrugged his shoulders " I didn't know she was about to get to fighting, I wasn't even around "

" You know your sister isn't a fighter so what happened " Kasuan asked, they stayed quiet

" Well What happened Aria, speak up " Adryian snapped

Aria let out a deep breath " I was outside with Karter and a girl he messes with came and grabbed me by my hair from behind-

" Why would she do that ? " Adryian asked cutting her off " Did y'all two have beef ? "

" I don't know .. " Aria lied, she knew if she told them the truth she would have to tell them everything, including her kiss with Karter " can I just go to bed now? please " she said

Adryian let out a deep breath and rubbed the bridge of her nose before crossing her arms over her chest " You know what, it's been a long day.. we all need some sleep. Goodnight " she said letting the kids go to their rooms before her and Kasuan went to theirs.

The next day

Naomi walked down the hallway to her locker and all eyes were on her, she didn't know why and ignored them. She had the worse hang over and made a mental note to never go to a party on a Monday night. She wore an old cheer t-shirt and grey sweat pants with her hair in a top knot bun, she didn't wear any make up or lashes, she was just ready to get in and out.

She started to open her locker and grabbed a few books when Aaliyah and two other girls walked up to her. " Put your shit down and fight me " Aaliyah said angrily

Naomi looked at her like she was crazy " What ? "

" Put your shit down and fight me " Aaliyah repeated in a serious tone

" I'm not about to fight you, you're pregnant " Naomi said, she grabbed a text book and closed her locker

" What you too scared to fight me now? You wasn't scared of doing shit when you was kissing my baby daddy "

Naomi chuckled " Girl what? " she asked, she would never kiss Sehkani. He was her brother.
A girl behind Aaliyah pulled out her phone and showed Naomi the video of her and Sehkani last night and her mouth dropped a little.

" So that's not you and Sehkani ? " Aaliyah asked

" Aaliyah-.. " Naomi said in a low tone. She didn't even remember kissing him and felt bad about it

" I can't believe you, you were supposed to be my bestfriend.. you knew how I feel about him, I told you everything and this is how you do me? "

" I was drunk.. it didn't mean anything, really " Naomi replied

" You know what, just stay away from me.. " Aaliyah said before brushing past Naomi with her friends leaving her there by herself.

She wanted to cry but she didn't, the last person she wanted to lose was her bestfriend. Naomi let out a deep breath and headed towards her class, Sehkani tried to stop her because she looked upset and grabbed her by her arm

" Leave me alone " Naomi said snatching away from him.

This was too much for him and he was starting to wish he never went to that stupid party.


Kasaun sat in his walk in closet going through a few pair of his jeans as he got ready to wash all his clothes since Adryian was being lazy. He picked up the pair of jeans he wore the day Brandon died and went through the pockets and to his surprise he found a small black box. He opened it and his heart dropped, it was the engagement ring Brandon had planned on giving Renae. He sat down on the floor in shock, all the emotions he had been holding in hit him at once and a tear fell down his face.

" I need you to go to Petsmart and get some dog food and not the hard kind- " Adryian said walking up the closet door. She stopped and looked down at him. " What's wrong ? " she asked kneeling down next to him.

He showed her the ring " Brandon was supposed to pop the question to Renae but- Kasaun paused, his voice cracking.

" Oh baby " she said pulling him close for a tight hug and letting him cry on her chest. He was strong for her and she knew it was time to be strong for him, Kasuan was the type of person that held in all his emotions so it hurt Adryian to see him cry.

" It should've been me " Kasaun mumbled

" Don't say that " Adryian said angrily, she looked at him " Don't say that, it should've been nobody.. nobody deserves to die and I don't want you feel like that " she said " I don't know what I'd do if I lost you "

An hour later they pulled up to Renae's house to give her the ring. They knocked on the door, Renae slowly opened it, she hadn't left the house since Brandon's funeral and you could tell she was going through it the hardest.

" Hey " Adryian said giving her a smile.

" Hey, come in " Renae replied letting them in the house. They sat down at in the living room. " What brings y'all here ? "

Adryian looked over at Kasuan and he let out a deep sigh. He pulled out the small black box from his pocket and passed it to Renae. She took it from him and she held a confused look on her face

" You know Brandon loved you.. and the day he died.. he was planning on asking you to marry him and I just thought you should have that " Kasuan said, Renae opened the small box and gasped. The ring was beautiful and it felt like someone stabbed her in the heart.

" Thank you " She cried looking down at the ring. Renae would never wish this type of pain on anyone, nothing hurt more than losing your soulmate. She honestly thought she'd never find love again and to be honest, she didn't want to because she'd never love anyone the way she loved Brandon.

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