JJK. I don't have feelings for you anymore. Prank

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Hey, guys, it's jungkook and today I'm going to be doing the I don't love/ have feelings for you anymore on taehyung.

You guys really wanted to see this video and I want to see taehyung reaction to but I feel like he is going to cry that's why I tried to hold back on this prank but here it is.

So taehyung is downstairs right now cooking dinner so he should be up soon to tell me to come and eat so I have to quickly set the camera up and get in place so let's get it.

Jungkook sets the camera on the TV stand and covers it with a shirt then sits on the bed and gives the camera a thumbs-up before typing away on his phone.

A few minutes later.

Taehyung came in with a big smile on his face and stood at the door while saying.

Kookie dinner is ready.

Taehyung come here and close the door.

Taehyung tilted his head and looked at jungkook in confusion but still proceeded to go over to him. Taehyung sat on his knees on the bed and looked at jungkook waiting for him to say what he wanted.

Jungkook put down his phone and looked at taehyung.

Taehyung I don't wanna sound rude but I um I don't love you anymore.

Jungkook looked around the room avoiding looking at taehyung because he knew he would instantly stop the prank.

W-what? T-this is a joke right tell me it's a joke please jungkook.

Jungkook knew taehyung was going to cry just by the tone of his voice.

I'm sorry taehyung it's just I have feelings for someone else.

Taehyung was trying so hard not to cry. He bit hardly down on his lip trying to hold back his tears.

Taehyung please say something.

Taehyung eyes scanned the room to see if there was any sign of a camera but he doesn't see anything which made him burst in tears. He threw himself onto Jungkook and grabbed his shirt tightly.

J-jungkookie what did I do w-wrong I promise I will f-fix it just tell me what it is.

Jungkook heart shattered and it took everything in him not to stop the prank right then in there.

You can't fix it taehyung I just don't love you anymore now I need to pack my stuff.

Jungkook got up and went towards the closet and started packing his stuff but taehyung ran towards him and started putting his stuff back.

Taehyung stop.

No please, please don't leave me Jungkook I need you.

Taehyung walked up to Jungkook and hugged him tightly.

Please jungkook I need you please I love you can we just try to work this out.

Taehyung sobbed he couldn't lose jungkook he doesn't know what he would do without him.

Fine but taehyung I need to tell you something.

Taehyung looked up with tears in his eyes and the sight just broke jungkook heart more than it already was.


It's a prank okay so please stop crying.

Jungkook hugged taehyung back and rocked side to side while messing with taehyung hair.

W-what? B-but I didn't see a camera.

Jungkook chuckled before grabbing taehyung hand and taking him towards where he had hidden the camera. He took it and pointed at both of them.

Say it.

No, I'm not saying it but It was a good prank.

Commmmmeeeeee oooooonnnnn just say it.

Fine... Team jk.

Jungkook smiled before pecking taehyung on the cheek and looking back at the camera.

Okay, guys, that's it for this video if you liked it give a big thumbs up and comment down below if you team jk or team tae tae and if your new and watched the whole video why not subscribe? If you want me to prank taehyung again get this video to hmmm 10,000 likes and I will prank him again. Anyways I need to go cheer my baby up so jk OUT!

 Anyways I need to go cheer my baby up so jk OUT!

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