T.K Adopting a baby!!!

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" Hey guys it taehyung and today is a very special day cause me and kookie is going to be adopting a child we thought about this for a very long time like very, and we finally came to an agreement and decided to adopt I'm so excited are you kookie?"

Taehyung turned the camera to Jungkook who was currently on his phone while eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.


Jungkook jumped and quickly looked over a taehyung.

" What? Sorry what did you say?"

" Are you excited to see our little baby?"

Jungkook put his phone down and walked over to taehyung hugging him from the back.

" Yes baby I can't wait."

Taehyung peck Jungkook on the lips as Jungkook let go of him before paying attention to the camera.

" So we went through all the process we needed to off camera now we just go see our little baby."

" Can you guess the gender? Don't skip the video."

Jungkook said giggling. 

" Are you ready kookie? Are you ready be a father?"

Taehyung eyes started tearing up. Jungkook quickly pulling him into a hug.

" Why are you crying baby?"

Jungkook chuckled.

"It's just...it feels just like yesterday we were teens in high school hating each other and now here we are adopting a child together."

Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jungkook neck sobbing into his chest.

" This child is now our first priority they come before the both of us."

Jungkook pulled away from the hug and cupped taehyung face giving him a quick peck on the lips before hugging him again.

" It's okay baby were going to be the best parents ever I promise."

They both pulled away from the hug and smiled at one another.

" Now let's go get our baby yeah?"

Taehyung nodded and held Jungkook hand walking to the car.

" So you guys are probably wondering 'why do they keep calling the baby, baby? well we also want the baby name to be a surprise because if we tell you their name you're going to know if it's a baby boy or a baby girl."

Jungkook started driving to the destination.

" Kookie is there anything you wanna say?"

Jungkook smiled and looked quickly at camera.

" Let's get it!"

He turned back to look at the road. Taehyung giggling at his boyfriend madness.

" Okay well we will see you guys there!"

Taehyung turned the camera off.


The camera turned back on showing taehyung chin Jungkook voice clearly heard in the background talking a lady. Taehyung looked down at the camera and smiled while making the peace sign and putting it on his eye. They started walking and ended up in a room which was filled with cribs.

" And this one right here will be little *********." Taehyung stared at the child with pure adoration completely forgetting about the camera in his hand.

"So which one of you guys will like to hold *** first." 

"Baby you can let me hold the camera." Taehyung handed the camera to Jungkook and pick up their child. He instantly broke down in tears.

"Your so pretty, me and your father will take good care of you I promise." Taehyung said while rubbing their cheeks.

" Guys we will talk to you guys once were back at the house." Jungkook whispered before cutting the camera.


"Okay hey guys were back and less a mess Jungkook broke down in tears once he cut the camera off we were so emotional and didn't want you guys to see us like that." 

"Don't expose me." Taehyung giggled.

"Anyways, so we thought we should tell you guys the gender and the name of our child."

"He's a boy a very beautiful baby boy."

"And his  name is jeonghoon."

"We might now post for a while because we have to take care of jeonghoon, but we will post when we can."

"Okay, guys if you liked this video give it a thumbs up and if your new and made it all the way to the end of the video why not subscribe? Comment down below what you would like to see next and as always I will see you in the next one BYE BYE!"



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AN: Oop- I haven't dated this book in forever sorry anyways a lot of you guys who read my book add it to your favorites 👁️👄👁️ why? I don't even like this book and it's mine

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AN: Oop- I haven't dated this book in forever sorry anyways a lot of you guys who read my book add it to your favorites 👁️👄👁️ why? I don't even like this book and it's mine. Eye-
But anyways thank you for 6k view I love you guys so much, thanks for giving my book a chance that makes me really happy especially when you guys vote and comment your comments be making my day. 

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