JJK. Calling my boyfriend my ex name prank

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" Hey guys it jungkook and you already know what prank I'm doing because it's the title of the video but anyways taehyung just pulled up in the parking lot so I was like why not prank him so I'm going to hurry and set the camera up before he gets up here."

Jungkook hides the camera before jumping on the bed and getting on his phone. Taehyung calls for jungkook but he didn't hear him so taehyung walks up the stairs and crossed his arms with an annoyed look on his face. Jungkook looked up from his phone and smiled and rushed over to taehyung pulling him into a hug by his waist leaving a quick peck on his lips making taehyung's day instantly better.

" What's wrong my little tiger?"

Jungkook asked clearly seeing taehyung was having a bad day.

"....Nothing can you help me with the groceries?"

"Sure thing Jennie let me grab my phone." 

Taehyung froze.

" What did you call me?"


Jungkook chuckled grabbing his phone than walking downstairs.

"N-no you didn't."

" I called you your name taehyung what are you talking about?"

Taehyung stared at Jungkook before sighing and going to the groceries.

After a while of putting the groceries away, Jungkook walks up to taehyung and puts his arms around his waist.

"Now are you going to tell me why you were upset Jennie?" 

Taehyung pushed Jungkook away and glared at him.

"Why do you keep calling me that?!"

" What are you talking about tiger?"

Jungkook said sighing.

" You keep calling me your ex name!"

" What no I didn't."

" Yes you did Jungkook I thought it was just me at first but you did it again."

"Jennie calm down."

" See! Do you want her back or something? Because you can go."

Taehyung rushed upstairs with Jungkook following not too far behind.

Taehyung started packing Jungkook's stuff.

" You can have Jennie since you can't stop thinking about her."

" Tiger calm down I didn't mean to and I don't want her I want you."

" Nope, you're getting out and you're getting out today.

Taehyung vision started getting blurry and he broke down in tears he collapsed and hugged one of Jungkook shirts sobbing into it. 

" You don't love me Jungkook you love J-Jennie...She's better than me, isn't she? With her perfect brown long hair and her perfect tan skin and her pretty face and she is so nice and kind and what am I huh? A nobody an attention seeker a cry baby. I whine too much. I would leave me for her to so I don't blame you and ."

Jungkook started getting angry. He pulled taehyung up and into a hug.

"Don't you ever say that again do you understand me Kim Taehyung? I fucking love you not her your beautiful, nice, kind, adorable, any nice word in the dictionary taehyung you may not be perfect but you perfect for me. Where did you even hear those things?"


" You don't read the comments taehyung."

"Sorry I just wanted to see what are fans thought about us."

" Taehyung it was a prank okay I love you and no one else but in a few years I will someone else."

" What?!"

" And she or he is going to call you mommy."

Taehyung smiled and hugged Jungkook tightly. Jungkook wobbled over to the camera.

"Okay, that's it for this video if you made it this far like and subscribe I will be disabling the comments until someone learns how to not read them the bad ones."

Taehyung blushed and hid his face in Jungkook's chest.

" Anyways we purple you guys and well see you in the next one peace!"

" Anyways we purple you guys and well see you in the next one peace!"

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