K.T Break up prank.

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Hey, guys, it's taehyung and today I'm going to be doing the breakup prank on jungkook. I feel super bad but it has to be done. He is downstairs playing the game with his friend Yoongi. Yoongi knows about the prank. so let's get it.

I sneakily set the camera up downstairs in the living room and one upstairs in our bedroom. I sit beside jungkook and I start playing on my phone. Jungkook takes his eyes off the tv for a quick second and looks at me

You look cute babe.

Thanks but um can I talk to you upstairs privately.

Um sure. One second Yoongi.

Yoongi nods and we start walking and jungkook tries to grab my hand but I move it which makes him frown. Once we were in the room me and jungkook sit in the bed.

What do you want to talk about?

Jungkook I... I don't wanna be with you anymore.

Jungkook widens his eyes.


I want to break up. I don't wanna be with you anymore.

Jungkook eyes start getting watery and his face gets red.

I'm going to pack my stuff now I'm sorry jungkook.

I get up but jungkook grabs my wrist.

Please, taehyung don't leave me.

Jungkook I'm sorry this just isn't working. I haven't been happy for a long time. You don't even care about me.

Yes, I do I care for you more then anything in this world taehyung, I will freaking jump in front of a bullet for you.

At this point, taehyung just wanted to stop the prank and hug jungkook tightly but he didn't.

I'm sorry but I wouldn't do the same.

I yanked my arm away and started packing my stuff and jungkook just curled up on the bed and kept crying. I took a bag of my clothes and went to the door.


He didn't spare me a glance and just stayed curled up.

I'm sorry it had to be this way I really am.

I went downstairs and went towards Yoongi.

Omg, he's crying.

What really? Should I go up there?

No leave-

Taehyung wait please don't go I need you, please.

Jungkook runs over to me gets on his knees and grabs my leg.

Jungkook stop your embarrassing yourself.

I don't fucking care I want you taehyung, please.

He hugs my leg and starts crying again. I duck down and I hug him then whispered.

It's a prank jungkook I'm sorry.

He hugged me tight and kept crying.

Jungkook it said it was a prank calm down.

You don't do that. I was fucking scared taehyung I was scared that I was going to lose you. Don't ever do that again.

Okay, I won't I'm sorry can you let me go so I can get the camera?


I sigh and get up and grab jungkook hand but he snatches it away and wraps his arms around my waist and clings onto me. I wiggle all the way to the camera with jungkook still on me.

Okay, this is the jungkook you guys have never seen before the clingy spoiled jungkook who needs me. Anyways if you guys liked this video give it a thumbs up and if you watched the whole video why don't you click the subscribe button. Anyways I got to attend to this little spoiled baby and make him happy again. Love you guys!

 Love you guys!

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