K.T Hickey prank.

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Hellooooo guys it's taehyung and today I'm literally going to die. So today I'm going to do the hickey prank. I ask my friend if he can come over and give me a hickey but he said no because jungkook would literally kill him and I can just use makeup. So here is my make up.

Taehyung shows the camera the makeup.

So I'm going to mix some colors together to put the hickey then I'm going to lay under the cover so it won't be more suspicious.

Taehyung takes the makeup and starts mixing colors like red, brown and pink.

Okay, guys here is my hickey.

So now I'm just going to lay under the cover and play on my phone

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So now I'm just going to lay under the cover and play on my phone. Jungkook is out right now but he should be-

The front door opens.


Taehyung quickly sets the camera up before laying under the cover and playing with his phone.


Up here!

Jungkook walked in and smiled then started walking over to the bed.

Hey baby.

He kisses taehyung on the lip and he slowly lays on him while pulling the cover off but taehyung kept pulling the up cover.

Tae what's wrong?

Uh...n-nothing I'm just not in the mood.

He chuckles nervously.

Taehyung I know what you look like when you lying so stop. I'm going to ask again What. Is. Wrong?

Nothing jungkook.

Jungkook snatches the covers off and scans taehyung body before seeing the hickeys. Jungkook face went dark and he clenched his fist.

Who the fuck gave you those?

Taehyung gets up just to be pulled back on the bed. Jungkook pinned his hands above his head and sat on his legs.

Taehyung I ask you a question.

Taehyung still didn't answer he just avoid eye contact which made Jungkook chuckle darkly.

Fine, you don't wanna answer I guess I'm going to have to fuck the shit out of you to get it.

Taehyung eyes widen and he started wiggling.

No Jungkook I will tell-

No, I already gave you a choice.

Just let me-

Shut it taehyung.

Taehyung looked at the camera while Jungkook took his belt off.


Didn't i- wait what?

It's a prank it's just makeup let me show you.

Jungkook looked at taehyung not believe him.

Come on I promise I won't run just let me show you its makeup.

He sighs and gets off of taehyung and taehyung goes to the bathroom to get a makeup wipe before sitting in front of Jungkook. He wipes it off and smiles.

See makeup.

Jungkook smirks.

Turn the camera off.


Because I want to give you some real ones and show ever one you are mine.

Taehyung blushed and smiled before rushing over to the camera and pointing it in Jungkook face.

Say it.


Fine, then I'm not letting you give me hickeys. He crossed his arms and pouted.

Fine... Team tae tae.

Taehyung showed his famous box smile while now turning the camera towards himself.

Okay, guys if you like the video give a thumbs up and tell us in the comments what prank/challenge you would like to see next. And are you team jk or team tae tae? Obviously tae tae.

Um no obviously jk.

No everyone knows I'm the best now be quiet. I love you guys so much Bye Bye.

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