M.Y Clown prank

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Hey guys its Yoongi and I'm whispering because Jimin is right behind me sleeping so I have to hurry and do this prank so this prank is probably going to be short but anyways I'm going to be doing the clown prank on him. Here is my outfit.

He shows the camera his outfit.

Okay so now I'm going quickly get dressed and let the prank begin.

After Yoongi got dressed

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After Yoongi got dressed.

Yoongi hovers over Jimin and puts the side of the plastic knife against his face.

Such a pretty little thing you are.

Yoongi says In a clown voice and Jimin whines turning the other side.

Yoongi looks and the camera with a blank face and sighs.

You surely smell good.

Yoongi says once again doing the clown voice and that's when Jimin eyes flew open. He turned to see a clown right in his face and kicked him in the stomach.

Fuck now you definitely going to die!

Yoongi had a small camera connected to his shirt and chased Jimin around the house but then Jimin locked himself in Yoongi studio.

No please leave me alone I don't know who you are or what do you want. What do you want money I can give it to you!

Jimin yelled from behind the door.

I don't want your damn money I want you.

Yoongi says in the clown voice making it sound funny so he bit his lip holding back his laughs.

Why me? You don't even know me.

Yes, I do I know that you had a boyfriend named yoongi.

Had? What do you mean had please don't tell me you did anything to him. He has nothing to do with this so please leave him out of it.

Yoongi smiled knowing that he cared about him that much.

No can do because happily, he is already dead aren't you happy jimin?

Jimin burst in tears and slide down the door hugging himself and Yoongi widened his eyes and started banging on the door making Jimin shiver and scream in fear.

Jimin it's Yoongi get out my studio.

I don't care how much you sound like you your not him!

He sighs.

Jimin it's me come on open up.

Jimin slowly opens the door. His face was bright red, his eyes were puffy and his face was swollen. Yoongi instantly pulled him to a hug and Jimin hid his face in Yoongi chest before letting out a little giggle.

Are you okay I kinda kick you pretty hard?

Yoongi chuckles.

Yeah, you did and it hurt like hell but your more important than the pain.

Jimin smiled and looked up Yoongi who quickly picked him up and ran to the room.

Got you now bitch!

Jimin was a giggling mess. Yoongi threw Jimin on the bed then got on top of him and started kissing all over Jimin face while repeating I love you.

I love you too.

Yoongi got up and went to get the camera and then went back over to the bed and pointed the camera at himself and Jimin.

Okay, guys, that's it for this video Jimin just proved he really does love me.

Of course.

Jimin wraps his arms around Yoongi neck and starts kissing his cheek and neck.

You are spoiled.

Shut it.

Anyways guys give this video a thumbs up if you want me to scare Jimin again.

Jimin smacked Yoongi shoulder and Yoongi laughed.

Okay, anyways I have to go show my baby some attention so I will see you guys in the next one bye!

Okay, anyways I have to go show my baby some attention so I will see you guys in the next one bye!

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