(failed.) P.J I want H.E.A.D right now. Prank.

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Hey, guys, it's Jimin I have to say this intro quickly because Yoongi will be coming up here any minute so.

Jimin hears footsteps coming up the stairs.


Jimin quickly sets the camera up before laying on the bed and messing with his nails then Yoongi comes in the room and lays on the bed then plays with his phone. He shows Jimin something and they both start laughing. But then Jimin gets serious.

Yoongi could you put your phone down?

Yeah but why?

He says glancing at Jimin before looking back at his phone.

Just put it down.

Jimin whined while tugging at Yoongi phone. Yoongi gives up and hands Jimin the phone before putting all his attention on Jimin. Jimin puts Yoongi phone on the desk before looking at Yoongi.

What is so important baby?

.....I want head like... Right now.

Yoongi closed his eyes for a second before looking back at Jimin. Jimin climbs on Yoongi.

Wait what?

I want head daddy.

Jimin... I'm not in the mood.

Jimin starts whining before rocking his hips.


I'm sorry babes but I'm not in the mood.

Please, I will suck your dick.

Yoongi chokes and widened his eyes in shock.

Jimin no now get off.

He taps on Jimin leg but Jimin just sits there.



Yoongi why not pwease.

No, and don't try to be all cute and give me the puppy eyes cause it still no so get off.


Yoongi sees the camera in the corner and smirks.

How am I suppose to give you head if you're on me?

W-wait what?

You want head fine.

He flipped them over and puts Jimin on all fours before sucking on jimin's neck.

Wait Yoongi no! It's a prank! It's a prank.

Yoongi goes down to Jimin ear and whispers.

I know.

He then smacks his butt and gets off the bed before grabbing the camera and pointing it at Jimin.

Wait you knew?

Yeah, I saw it when you wouldn't get off of me.

Jimin gets off the bed and hugs Yoongi. Yoongi then kisses Jimin forehead.

So, guys, Jimin failed he can't prank me I am the prank Master and plus I'm sweg.

Hey Yoongi?


I want head.

Yoongi pushes Jimin off of him and they both burst out in laughter.

Anyways that's it for this video guys if you want me to get Jimin back get this video to 50,000 likes and comment down below what you want me to do.

No Yoongi I'm dead serious I want head now.

Yoongi cuts the camera off.


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