K.T Beat up prank

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Hey, guys, it's taehyung and today I'm going to be doing the beat up prank on Jungkook. So I just got out of target that's why I'm in the car and I brought some makeup to make fake bruises. And Jungkook is really overprotective over me so I know he is going to be big mad. But anyways let me hurry up with the makeup.

Taehyung mixed purple and brown and put some on his eyes, neck and his cheeks, Then he took some red fake blood and put some on his lips and made a little drip off his lip.

Jungkook starts calling and taehyung widened his eyes.

Guys Jungkook wants to facetime!

He showed the camera.

I'm not going to answer so I can make it more suspicious. But anyway I'm going to start driving so I'll see you guys at the house.

A few minutes later.

Guys, he is calling again. He has been calling for the last couple of minutes. Ugh, let me hurry and get home. This time it will really be when I'm home, I already set the cameras up over there so I don't have to worry about that.
The camera at the house point of view.

Jungkook tugged at his hair and stared at his phone.

Fuck why isn't he answering! Please please be safe taehyung.

The door suddenly opens and taehyung walks in holding his stomach while limping.

J-jungkook i-it hurts.

Jungkook eyes widened and he rushed over to taehyung and picks taehyung up then put him on the couch.

What happened?!

Jungkook rushes over to the kitchen and grabbed a wet napkin and an ice pack.

I-I was walking to the car when suddenly these guys came out of nowhere and took my bag and beat me up.


P-Please don't yell.


Jungkook walks back over to taehyung and puts the ice pack on taehyung and taehyung hissed.

Sorry I didn't mean to hurt you are you okay?

Yeah, it's fine.

No, it's not taehyung! Did you see there face?

No, they had masks on.


Jungkookie, please.

Sorry, I'm just so upset, I can't believe I let that happen.

It's not your fault Jungkook.

Yes, it is taehyung if I w-was there that wouldn't have...

A tear slipped down Jungkook face, and taehyung quickly sits up and hugs him.

It's a prank Jungkook I'm sorry I didn't know you were going to cry, I'm so so so sorry. It's fake it makeup. Let me see the napkin.

Jungkook just keeps still and taehyung just took it out of his hand and sat on his lap then wiped all the makeup off, well most of it that wanted to come off.

See it's fake.

You don't play like that taehyung.

I'm sorry I won't do it again.

Jungkook pulled taehyung closer to him and put them in a bone-crushing hug.

Taehyung picked up the closer camera which was the one in the bowl and showed the both of them.

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Okay, guys if you liked this video give it a thumbs up and if your new and made it all the way to the end of the video why not subscribe? Comment down below what you will like to see next and as always I will see you later BYE BYE!!!

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