K.T Ft. P.J Cheating Prank

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Helloooooo guys it's taehyung and today I will be doing the cheating prank, I am extremely nervous because Jungkook is already over-possessive over me so that isn't going to help at all. But anyways I have my friend Jimin here.

Hi guys!

And his boyfriend is with Jungkook so yeah we are just going to be moving around in the covers and moaning so it could seem real. I'm going to quickly set up the camera and then we wait for them to get back.

Taehyung sets the camera up then lays down beside Jimin and calls Jungkook.


Hey, kookie are you almost here?

Yeah me and Yoongi are just getting some snacks from the store then we will be on the way. Do you and Jimin want anything?

No, we good.

Alright, see you soon love you.

Love you too.

A couple of minutes later.

Taehyung and Jimin heard the door up and they quickly went under the covers and started moving and moaning.

Ah, taehyung!

Wait I'm top?

Sh just go with it.


We heard the door open and bags fall to the ground.

What the fuck!?

We quickly take the cover off or head and looked at an angry Jungkook.

Yoongi! Get up here now!

Jungkook rushed to my side and pulled me out of the bed.

Ow, you're hurting me.

I'm going to do more then hurt you.

Yoongi runs in the room.

What's wrong?

I walked in on Jimin and taehyung having sex.

Yoongi eyes widened and he went over to Jimin who was still in the bed.

Why the fuck are you still in bed get up.

Yoongi pulls him by his shirt they both yell at each other.

What the fuck is wrong with you taehyung am I not good enough.

Taehyung heart broke when he saw tears threatening to fall out of Jungkook eyes.

I fucking love you do you not feel the same?

Taehyung fiddle with his shirt and looked at the ground.

N-no I don't feel the same Jungkook I'm sorry.

Jungkook clinched his fist then ran out and Yoongi ran out behind him and me and Jimin looked at each other before giving each other a quick high five.

We should hurry and tell them it's a prank before they leave.


Taehyung quickly grabs the camera and rushes outside and seen both Jungkook and Yoongi in the car about to leave.

Taehyung rushes over to Jungkook side and Jimin rushes to Yoongi side and they both yell.


Jungkook stops the car before storming back inside but Yoongi bit his lip trying to hold back his laughter but failed.

Taehyung points the camera at Yoongi.

How do you feel sir?

He giggles and hugs Jimin while kissing on his neck.

I was pissed but at the same time, I was like who would be top.

Obviously me Jimin was screaming my name not the other way around.

Both Jimin and Yoongi kicked taehyung.

Sorry, I was just kidding anyway I got to go check up on Jungkook.

Taehyung ran in the house and went upstairs to see Jungkook on the bed crossing his arms like a little baby.

Taehyung jumped on the bed and pointed the camera at Jungkook.

How do you feel babe?

Leave me alone.

Are you mad? It's just a prank.

You don't play like that. Your mine taehyung okay?

Taehyung giggles and nods.

Okay, guys, that's it for this video Jungkook is pissed at me but who cares I will make it up to him later.

Taehyung winks at Jungkook and Jungkook tries his best not to smile.

Anyways if you liked this video give it a thumbs up and if your new and made it all the way to the end of the video why not subscribe? Comment down below what you will like to see next and as always I will see you later BYE BYE!!!

Anyways if you liked this video give it a thumbs up and if your new and made it all the way to the end of the video why not subscribe? Comment down below what you will like to see next and as always I will see you later BYE BYE!!!

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