K.T Passing out prank

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Hellllooooooo taekoooook shipppppers. Do you like my new intro? Anyways today i'm going to be doing the passing out prank on Jungkook and his friend hoseok. My friend Seokjin, Namjoon, Yoongi, and jimin are also he but they know about the prank. Everyone is down stairs except hoseok and jungkook because they went out to get food for everyone. So imma set one camera up in the kitchen and the other in the living room so I will be right back when I do that.

Taehyung turns the camera off and rushes down the stairs to quickly set up the too cameras. He then turns the camera back on then calls jungkook to see if he is almost here.


Hi baby are you almost here? I miss you.

Yeah I'm actually turning on our street now and I miss you too.

Okay well hurry bye kissys.


Taehyung hangs the phone up and shows a thumbs up to camera.

Okay most likely Jungkook is going to want to call the police so one of you guys have to act like your calling them.

Okay I will do it.

Jin said while he nodded. Taehyung shows a thumbs up to jin and before they know it both hoseok and jungkook were walking towards the door. Taehyung rushed over to him and pulled him into a big hug while leaving kisses all over his face.

I missed you how come you left without telling me.

Taehyung pouted.

Because you were sleeping princess and I didn't want to wake you.

Hmph you better have got me nachos from taco bell or I will ignore you.

Jungkook smiled before pulling the nachos out and handing them to taehyung. Taehyung smiled back, kissed Jungkook then skipped over to the table.

Thank you!

Jungkook laughed then made his way over to the fridge to get a Gatorade.

I...I feel dizzy.

Taehyung slowing got up acting as if he could walk straight. Jungkook closed the fridge then quickly turned towards taehyung and started walking over to him.

Why do you feel dizzy baby?

Taehyung grabbed his head and then collapsed. Jungkook caught him before he could come in contact with the floor.

Taehyung baby?! Are you okay!? Can you hear me?! Taehyung?! Somebody call the police.

AN: Guys I said police because when your freaking out in the moment your not thinking but guys he meant ambulance also if you tell the police that somebody needs help they will send the ambulance okay. 🤦‍♀️

Ok will!

Everyone started to freak out while jin put the phone to his ear.

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