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Bela's pov

I washed my face multiple times to make sure that i don't have any strain of tears.

When I was done i looked at the mirror to find the total otherwise.... I was not crying but smiling.
For? Duh! I don't know..

After I just babykissed mahir I practically ran into the washroom.... because it was getting awkward.
I said that it was as a thank you just to play cool.... but who the hell kisses as a thank you...
Well me.. haha.

I knew better than saying that because when i kissed him my insides were dancing or doing somersaults.
Gosh! What's wrong with me.

'You need to get a grip over this, darling' my subconscious mocked.
"Shut up" I said to... myself?

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door and my heart accelerated, exactly knowing who was at the other side.

I took few deep breathes before opening the door and...
She arched a brow at me.
"I hope you remember me"she said in a whiney tone because I was giving her a confused look.
I chuckled, "ofcourse I do danny" I said.
"Hey don't call me that" she said.
"What? Danny" I said again while smirking just to annoy her.
"Yes! Don't call me that! You can call me dan" she said and I nodded.
"Okay! Danny"i said and she glared at me playfully.
"Sorry sorry! Dan" I said while laughing and she chuckled.

"Oh and by the way, where is your hottie roommate?" She asked and I was actually curious because he was nowhere in sight.
"Mahir, and I don't know where he is" I said.
"And wait, how did you even know that I had a hottie- I mean a boy as a roommate" I asked and she frowned
"Well guess What! I got his one of the friend as my roommate! And voila he is hell annoying" she said disgustingly and i rolled my eyes.
"Who's that? Alex" I asked and she nodded.
"Well how do you know him?"she asked.
"I got to meet him Today! When the guys were playing some sort of video game... and they, kind of, asked me to play... and I agreed and guess what I won, thrice" I said and she jumped excitedly and patted my back.
"Well done" she said.

Our talking was disturbed as the room door bursted open... and the three walked inside, in all their attitude.
Dan passed a vicious glare towards Alex which he returned in a wink.
"Hey ladies"alex greeted.
"Hi and bye... it's already night and I don't want you all to mess this room, so will you mind getting out" I said and Richard, like a true gentleman turned to leave but was stopped by Alex keeping his arm around his shoulder.
"Nope" Alex said, grinning like a idiot.
"And why's that?" I asked
"Dude! There are still 4 days until the university starts so we thought that we five should have a sleepover! For all the 3 days, so that we could know each other and become actual good friends" Alex said and I went in deep thoughts.
There are still 4 days and if we do the sleepover for three days it will be okay.
"Sounds like a plan! Okay done, but no alcohol or blasting music"i said and the trio chuckled.
"No alcohol and blasting music" it was said by the one I was trying to ignore, mahir, who was smiling like a idiot.
A heard a sigh from beside me so I turned to see dan glaring at me, a glare that says ' YOU HAVE GOT YOURSELF INTO TROUBLE'

Sure enough for a sleepover, everyone got their things in our room and settled at the places they will sleep in the end.
The rooms were not so small but not even a like a party club so it was fine and everyone had enough place.

Me and Dan joined the two beds together so that more spare beds could be arranged at the floor.
Me and Dan have already booked our places in the bed so the boys will be sleeping on the floor.

It was all ready.
We all sat on the spare beds on the floor in a circle as Alex said we are gonna play something.

We all were in our night wears, I was wearing white shorts and a big grey
t- shirt which actually covered my shorts.
Dan was wearing pj's and a sea green baggy top which was a lot comfortable.

And all the three boys were in their casual t-shirts, all black, and trousers.
In an addition, they all were looking hot.

"So, what are we playing?" I asked, excitedly.
Alex smirked, "truth and dare"
I rolled my eyes, ofcourse we were gonna play it.
"And remember it's truth and dare, so it means that on whoever the spin lands will chose what does he/she wants to do first, truth or dare, they have to do both" Alex explained.
"Well Duh! Are you gonna start it" Dan said in a really bored tone.
"Very impatient to kiss me, sweetheart" Alex said with a smirk and Dan glared more hard but her face turned crimson.

Something is surely up!

"Okay so let's start the game! Who will spin it first?"alex said, enthusiasticially.
Dan rolled her eyes at his excitement but took the bottle from him and spinned it.
It rolled very fast, then turned slow, slow, more slow and stopped at Dan.
I laughed as dan pouted.

"Okay so what do you wanna do first? Truth or dare?" Alex asked while smirking.
Dan rolled her eyes and said,"truth"
Alex opened his mouth to ask but I asked first,

"Do you hate Alex?"i asked and her face flushed.
I looked at Alex who smiled brightly at me but his smile dropped when dan answered, "yes, very very much".
My mouth dropped at her bluntness.
Mahir started laughing while pointing at Alex whose jaw was dropped and eyes wide opened.
This made everyone laugh except Alex and Dan.
Alex because he was so shocked and Dan because she was busy smirking at Alex.
And I knew that the answer was a big lie.

Alex composed himself and shook his head.
"Okay so dare!" I said and every head snapped in my direction while I was smirking at Dan.
OH dan babe! It's time for the truth to come out.
"Your dare is to kiss alex" I said and Dan's jaw dropped while this was Alex's turn to smirk at her.

" I am out of the game" Dan said.
"No.... the rule of the game is that whatever dare or truth is given to you, you have to complete it"i said and Dan have me a murderous glare.

I know that whatever I have said will be a disadvantage for me.

Alex clapped his hand, "yes you have to do it" Alex said and I giggled.

Dan looked at me and said,"i will get my revenge" and she kissed Alex, hard.

But she is gonna get the revenge! I just hope the bottle never stops at me... or mahir.


Sorry for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.

Sorry for late update.

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Have a nice day further.

Wish me luck for my exam.


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