Chapter- 15

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Mahir's POV

I sat on my bed while playing on my phone and bela was sitting on her bed reading her schedule for classes.
The study starts today.

She has been reading her schedule since past ten minutes.
Like, what is she even doing?
Analyzing it?

She keeps the paper aside as her phone pings with a message.
She reads it and then a wide grin takes place on her face.

Quickly typing something on her phone, she stands up from the bed and exits the room, without even saying anything to me.

I keep my phone aside and lie down on the bed while thinking about the classes I have to attend today.

I am a total nerd when I want to be, literally.
I have always kept up with my grades and did pretty well in all my classes.

I sigh at my thoughts and turn in my bed, my eyes falling on the bed beside me.
And I immediately remember how Bela cuddled up with me the other night.

I knew that she was lying when she said that she tried cuddling with the pillow.
That was me.

And that was the sweetest gesture from someone I got to know just 2 days ago.

It's just been 2 days since we met but it feels more than that.

My reverie is broken when the door is opened and bela enters the room with another girl. Gushing and squealing.

I sit up and stare at them, blinking in confusion.
The other girl looks at me and smiles, "Heya, I am Cristy." She says while forwarding her hand for a handshake.
"Mahir Sehgal." I say while shaking her hand.

"So, Cristy. Your dorm is just across from mine-" Bela says but I interrupt her.
"Ours." I say and she rolls her eyes.
"Whatever." She says and turns back to Cristy, "It will be so exciting C. How's Granny?" Bela asks while sitting on her bed and pulling Cristy down with her.

"She is happy and healthy. Misses you already. And She is with Julie. Oh mann, I just hope that Granny doesn't start loving Julie more than us. Because I would hate to push that sweet girl out of the house." Cristy says and they both laugh.

"How are Hayden and Jayden? You said you went to meet them after I left to come here." Bela asks and the name of boy's pick my attention.
"They are good. They will also soon be coming here. In the mid semester, I guess. It will take time for both of them to persuade them." Cristy says and I notice the change of voice when she comes to the last line.

Bela's smile falls off her face and she looks away, "Yeah."

I take the silence as my cue to say something, "So, who are Hayden and Jayden?" I ask and both the girls look at me.
"My brothers." Both of them answer at the same time and I raise my brow.

"They are Cristy's brother, actually. But they are like brothers to me. And they will soon join this university. And I am so excited." Bela says and the excitement is actually audible in her voice.

"Oh c'mon, they are just troublemakers. No need to be so excited." Cristy says and bela rolls her eyes.
"You are just jealous that they love me more than you." Bela says with a smile and Cristy rolls her eyes but the smile on her face gave it all away.

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