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Mahir's pov

"So how many guys have kissed You?" Dan asked bela and she looked down.
"Three" she whispered and I was shocked, she is... beautiful, hot and sexy, how only three guys kissed her?
'She is not like You, who gives kisses around' okay that was low blow even if it was just my subconscious.

"Only three?" Dan asked what I wanted to and she looked anywhere but us.
Suddenly she opened her mouth.
"Look at Richard, lets sleep." She said and everyone looked at Richard, who was.... sleeping.
And she dumped the question.

'Yeah let's sleep" Alex said and everyone took their respective places.
Me, Richard and Alex on the sleepingbag at the floor and the girl on the beds, that they have joined together.
I was at one side of the bed and Alex was at the other side and Richard was at the foot of the bed.
You are at the side of bela's bed. I know.

After good 15 minutes there was some shufflings on bela's bed and she turned towards me, showing her angelic face.  Yeah heavenly beautiful.
She was sound asleep, looking like a baby with that little pout of hers.
Oh! How much I want to kiss that pout
Oh god! I don't like these thoughts, they are creeping me out.

Some of her hair strands came on her face and I am sure she was irritated because she started frowning.
You are frowning too. Shut up!
I lifted my hand to her face and tucked the strands behind her ear. She stiffened. My breath got caught in my throat and I pulled my hand back, closed my eyes, acting slept.

After some seconds I felt someone staring at me, and I very well knew who it was.
Just like that I fell asleep under the most piercing eyes, which were staring straight at me.

Bela's pov

I woke up and my eyes fell on mahir.
He was looking so adorable while sleeping.
Adorable?! What has happened to me? I stared at him for quite some time and fell asleep while staring at the most beautiful site.

"Nooo... s-stop, you c-can't" I heard someone whisper- yelling beside me and I quickly opened my eyes to see mahir, shivering and sweating, badly.
Oh god! I quickly checked the time on my phone. 5:33am.
I struggled with my blankets and got down on his sleeping bag.
I tapped his cheek but he didn't budge.
"No, s-stop... don't do this to her, please I- I love her" he whispered and my heart breaked at the site.
I quickly hugged him tight to my chest and rubbed his back.
"No one is doing anything to anyone, shhh mahir, it's just a bad dream, it will get okay" I said and I felt him relax a little, but it was just for a short time before he pulled away from my embrace, wide awake.
He stared at me, blankly for a few seconds until his expressions turned cold and he stood up from the sleeping back, leaving me shocked.

I looked up at him and found him already staring at me, with emotion I couldn't recognise.
But just as I looked at him, he was emotionless, cold and blank.


Sorry for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.

Sorry for a little late update.

Please do vote and comment and follow.

I know it's short and I hope you have no problem.

This part was really tough to write, I don't know why and I expect your reviews🙏❤

Have a nice day.


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