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Mahir's pov

I came into the washroom and came in front of the mirror which is giving me my reflection. Which is showing me how much of a mess I am!
Showing me how much bad I have done!
Showing me that I am good for no one! Not even for myself!
Showing that may be I am letting my gaurds down! My walls down in front of bela!

I can't bear it. I just can't, I can't look look at myself being so vulnerable and craving for HER.
And on an instant my fingers curled, forming a fist.
I lifted my hand and punched straight at the mirror.
Shatters. Everything shattered. The mirror! My reflection! My vulnerability and my craving.

My knuckles stings! It hurts but it gives a sense of satisfaction!
I had to break it! I could not bear the fact that I was letting my walls down, again.
Was the first time not enough to break me that I am doing it again!?
I never let my walls down fully since I was 5. Yaa such a small age. And I guess I am doing it now but I can't because I know it will hurt. Just like it did.

A knock at the washroom door pulled me out of my memory lane and I heard her voice. Her soft voice, so smooth. "Mahir, open the door! Mahir for Christ's sake! Open this damn door! Mahir are you gonna open this or should I push! This door is not that strong!" She said and the next thing I heard was her bumping against the door.
This girl is extremely stupid!

"Ah! Shit! Ouch" she said with a few curse words and I instantly opened the door to see if she was hurt or not.
But what I saw was... she was standing there with her hands at her waist and a triumphant smirk on her face.
Wow! She just pranked me!
'Ha! She knows that you care about her and you will come out if she gets hurt' had I asked for your advice?!

"What's your problem?" I said and I was shocked by the fake bitterness in my tone. Nice acting.
She didn't mind though, instead her eyes went towards my knuckles that are bleeding and with a few deep cuts.
It's nothing, I have had worse.

She came towards me and lifted her hand towards my hand but I took it back.
She looked at me with determination in her eyes. "Stop being stubborn and give your hand to me, it's bleeding"
"Why do you care?" I said and she was taken aback.
"I- I don't care if you are hurt or not I just don't like b-blood and I am kind of a tidy person and... please let me do this!" She said and her eyes were hooded with... sadness.
I am not the only person who have a past. She does too.

"No, I don't want any first aid" I said and she looked pissed.
She grabbed my hand, not too tightly and took me to her bed.
She bent to grab the first aid kit from the drawer and looked at me back again.
"Now sit" she said, as I was about to open my mouth "quitely"
And woah! I love this bossy bela! I smirked as she began to aid it.

Let's play along! I flinched lightly but I didn't felt even a little pain.
I am just messing with her.
But she got all serious and looked at me "sorry" she said and started blowing on my wound.
And god, did she looked angelic.

After a few minutes of her dressing my wound and me just staring at her, she bandaged the wound and kept my hand on my lap and looked at me.

Her eyes were blank! Seriously?!
Just a few minutes ago she was concerned for me like I was baby and now she is like she doesn't even know me!! Go to hell! Okay that was a little low.

Having enough of her blank, emotionless stares I stood up in a jerk and went outside the dorm.
Who does she think she is?
Do you realise that she is giving you the taste of your own medicine?!!
Fuck! She is giving me the cold stares just like I did.


Sorry for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.

Sorry for late update.(is it?)

Sorry for another boooooring chapter😧!! I am a little gloomy😫!!
I almost added a kissing scene in this chapter(the chapter would have been totally different after bela bandaged mahir's wound) but I changed it because I wanted Mahir to have the taste of his own medicine!. Sorry Mahir! I still love you! I always will❤😝💋

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