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Bela's pov

I don't know what suddenly happened to me but I gave Mahir the cold looks just like he did.
I was going to get back normal until I noticed that my cold stares were irritating him, annoying him -affecting him- so I just continued to give him the stares -oops, cold stares- and played a little more.

But I know that all of it was not because I wanted to annoy him, some of it was because of.... the blood I saw coming-or more as flowing- from his knuckles.
Yeah! I really don't like blood. I am terrified of it, really.
Somethings happen in the past, that change everything around you, about you completely.
And it's really hard to get yourself back as you were.
And I am still not back, nor do I think I ever will be.
Thanks to my parents and a big credit certainly goes to my big psycho Bastard Ex- Boyfriend...
Yup you got right! Evan.
Okay we should just leave this topic.

I got up from the bed and went towards the door which was slammed shut by Mahir.
I opened the door- trust me I shouldn't have- and bumped straight in someone's chest! Damn hard! My nose.
I stumbled back and I knew I was going to fall so I just wrapped my hands around the person's shoulder and pulled him down with me! I can't bear falling alone.

This person is damn heavy! And quite literally on top of me! Christ's sake.
open your damn eyes and see who it is!
Oh yeah right!
I opened my eyes and met with chocolaty brown ones which were looking straight at me!
And this time I could not give any cold look, because I know that he will see right through my act.

"M-Mahir get off me! You are heavy, fatass" I said but he did not budge.
He was looking at me, in my eyes and as much as I wanted to look away, I just COULD not. I was held captivated.

"You moved on from me quite fast" I heard him and I instantly froze.
Mahir clearly saw the change in me and averted his gaze and looked at him, his jaw slack.
Evan stood there with the devil smirk of his own and with his dirty glory.
Couldn't you have just closed the door Mahir.
Seriously, how can mahir know that this asshole will walk on the two of you when you were doing the lovey dovey stuff!
Can't my subconscious keep shut for once.

Cleary ignoring my subconscious, I pushed Mahir with as much force as I could put and got up, dusting my clothes.
Mahir looked at me with something I could not quite place, but it was gone just as quickly as it came.
Mahir looked at Evan with so much anger that if glare could kill Evan would be dead seven times till now.
And did I tell you his hand was already in a plaster, broken brutally.
Thanks Mahir.

Evan looked at Mahir with just as much anger and I took a step back.
"Hello Mr. Evan Brokenhand" Mahir said- seriously he is joking- and I chuckled.
Evan looked even more furious and took a step forward.
"Wait wait wait! Are you really considering the thought of fighting with me? With a broken hand? You sure as hell are a idiot. But if you wanna do it, I am all in but then don't blame me for a broken neck" Mahir said and I did not chuckled, I laughed at Evan's face who looked embarrassed and mahir was just smirking- not the devil smirk, but the chillpill smirk- at Evan.

Evan looked at me, with the look I was very familiar to, and I froze mid-air, my laughter dying down.
"You are not getting away with this" he said with so much bitterness that I knew that he was, somehow right.
"Oh puhleez if you stay here for one more second you're not getting away only with one hand broken" Mahir said and his voice held such a warning that even I would have shivered, but I didn't because the warning was for Evan who just smirked and left the room, slamming the door shut.

What just happened?!


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Sorry for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.

Extremely sorry for so late update.
I was just bored with writing this so just took a break.
But now I am back and now the next update will be of bmkhyn.
Yay! Behir mana ki hum yaar nahi will soon be back after so big of a break.

Have a nice day further


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