Chapter- 14

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Bela's pov.

I snuggled deeper into Mahir's bed while waiting for him to open the door.
But, woah, he closed the door as soon as he opened it.
What the- ?

As I was about to say something, he turned towards me with those dark and hard eyes and looked at me with no emotion at all.
"Get up from the bed and go to the washroom. And don't you dare come out before I ask you to." He ordered with an emotionless tone and pointed at the washroom.
I opened my mouth and closed it- because let's be honest, I never thought he would behave like this, not after us being all cuddly last night.

Maybe, it was nothing for him. Afterall, you are just like the girls he sleeps with.

The thought formed a lump in my throat and I looked at him with a hard expression.
"Why?" I asked hoarsely.
"I don't want to answer any of your questions. You better go." He said and that was it.
I stood up from the bed and went towards the washroom but not before getting my clothes from my bag.
Not to forget the stoic expression I gave him.

Once in the washroom, I locked the door from inside and I even heard a click from outside.
Guess he doesn't trust me much.
I leaned against the sink and looked at myself in the mirror and my eyes landed on the scar above my left eyebrow.
It was small, but not too small that someone would miss it.
I wonder, how Mahir missed It.

My eyes travelled over my face and I sighed.
Quickly getting out of my dress and throwing my hair in a messy bun, I started the shower.
And that's when I heard a loud bang from outside.
Jumping at my place, I looked at the closed door but didn't make a move to open it.
It wouldn't open, anyway.

The cold water travelled down my body, making it tense because of how cold the water was.
I took a quick bath, while taking care of not to wet my hairs.
They take a lot of time to dry.
Turning the shower off, I wiped my body with the towel and then quickly wore the grey jumper over a plain white top and blue high waisted jeans.

I looked at the door and tried to open it and surprisingly, it did open.
I walked out, while looking around the room when I found a slouching figure leaning against the window.

At the sight of him, my anger resurfaced and I quickly walked out if the room to be followed by heavy footsteps.
I fastened my pace and as soon as I was about to enter the library, a hand gripped my arm and pulled me to a hard wall of muscles.
"What do you think you are doing?"
He asked in a furious tone and I looked at him incredulously.
"Going to the library." I kept my answer short and my tone stoic.

"Cut the crap bela. Why are you overreacting?" He asked with a irritated tone and I had a sudden urge to slap him.
I probably would have if their wasn't a crowd forming around us.
"Because I don't know how to react normally. Wait, why am I even reacting? It's none of my business."
I said and jerked his hand off my arm and went inside the library.

And he didn't follow me.
I don't know if I should be relieved or not.

Rummaging through the shelves of the library, I got a book and sat on a table to read it but to be honest, I had better things to think about.
Taking my phone out from the jean pocket, I texted Cristy.

Hello babe. How you

Well, I am fine. What
About You?

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