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After mahir did his 'tasks', the bottle was spinned really fast by mahir and it got slower, slower and slower and then it stopped on Dan.

Oh yeah! I am super happy!
The bottle hasn't stopped on me yet...
Oh wait what!? The bottle is still moving, slowly.
Damn bottle!

It came in front of me in a much slower pace.
Don't stop! Don't stop! Don't.....

It did stop but in between me and Richard.
Hell yeah!

"So Richard what will you take first!? Truth or dare?" I asked quickly so that no one can ask me.
But I am not that lucky.!

"Wait! wait! Finding an easy escape!? Tsk tsk... it's your turn" Dan said and smirked at me.

"B-But the bottle stopped between me and Richard! So he can also do it" I said, uncertainly.
"Do you really think we are gonna let that happen? Nope. Richard got it twice, but you Zero so its your turn. And it's almost 3 am and I wanna call it a night... so why not just do it and pack up!?" Alex said, or ordered.

"Sounds like a plan" I muttered, sarcastically.
"Okay so bela! What first? Truth or dare?" Dan asked me with a mischievous smile.
I am dead!

"D-dare" I stuttered, nervously.
"Okay so kiss any guy in this room" Dan said and I took a sharp breath.
Any guy!! Lemme take my time.

Richard! I haven't talked with him much and I don't really know him but as much as I know, he is really a sweet and genuine guy and I guess he likes some Cristy, who can be my cousin, so I don't wanna make things awkward.
Richard! Cancel.
Alex! He is kind of playful and bad boy so if I kissed him, he will boast it for lifetime, but we are kind of friends and I know things will not get awkward, but Dan, they definitely have a thing.
Mahir! Oh god I can't kiss him! Things will definitely get awkward and I don't want that! And I know he will not like it. 'well duh! How do you know?' Urgh! Subconscious.

I looked at the three guys closely and they were also looking at me.
Richard was looking nervous, Alex was smirking, and Mahir, well he had a hopefull look in his eyes.
I think he is hoping that I don't kiss him.
'But you want to!' No!.
'Whatever you say' shut up!

"Bela! Speed up!" Dan said and I leaned forward towards Alex to kiss him.
His eyes widened as soon as he realised I am gonna kiss him and he pushed me towards his left.
I fell over mahir and looked at him.
"Complete the dare, already" Dan said but I was too busy to maintain the eye contact with mahir to look at her.
I heard Alex whisper under his breath 'I would have kissed you but I didn't wanted to be dead by my best friend'

Mahir leaned towards me and I don't know what got into me but I did leaned towards him and our lips touched.
Not only touched, but smashed.
Mahir's hand went around my waist and mine around his neck.
The kiss was smooth and not rushed.
His lips moved in sinc with mine.
He bit my lower lip for entrance and as soon as I was about to open my mouth to give him entrance we heard Alex say, "guys, we just said to kiss, not to make out"


Sorry for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.

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Happy Diwali everyone.

So the kiss was my Diwali gift for everyone.
Hope you liked it!

Have a nice day.


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