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Bela's pov

We all were just sitting in a circle, waiting for the drinks to arrive- I still don't think that it's a good idea to bring alcohol in uni, But the guys are hell bent to bring it. So bring it on.

There were a nudge from my side and I looked to see Dan looking at me, nervously.
I raised my eyebrows at her, "Do you think it's good to bring the drinks in here?" She whispered and I thought for a while.
"I don't know, but the guys are pretty confident about it, so why not just give it a shot." I said with wide eyes and she looked hesitant but nodded, nevertheless.

Just then, there was a knock at the- window?
We all turned our heads towards the window and Alex went toward it.
When he opened it, I saw a big bulky man with pearcings all over his face and a huge tattoo on the left side of his neck, wearing a black uniform, who had two big boxes of alcohol in his hand.
And boy, did he looked intimidating.
I felt Dan tense beside me as the guy looked at her.
I took her hand in mine and squeezed it.
And no, she is not overreacting, that guy is creepy.
Alex quickly took the drinks from him and closed the window on his face.
And just then Dan relaxed.

Alex came back with the drinks and sat back at his place, leaving me and Dan to gawk at that closed window.
"Ladies, he wasn't that good-looking that you are staring at the window I closed at his face" And that brought us out of our gawking.
We turned to him and gagged.
"Good-looking? Like seriously, he was like a bull with pearcings and tattoos"
I said and Dan nodded furiously while the boys just chuckled.
"Dude, was it necessary to call him for the drinks" Richard said while shaking his head.
"I didn't call him, I called Jason." He said but then his eyes widened as he looked at mahir.
And then I noticed that mahir was all tensed after hearing the name 'Jason'.
Richard was also looking at mahir and Alex with wide eyes.
"Why did you call him?" Mahir asked
-his fist clenched and his body was shaking with anger- Alex while giving him a murderous glare.
"Listen, don't get all worked up in front of the girls"
"Why did you call him?"
"We can talk about that later."
"Why the fuck did you call that bastard?" And this time mahir was on his feet and shouting.

Richard came in front of mahir, cuz we can see that he was in an attack mode.
"Mahir, Listen, calm down. You don't want to make a mistake right now." Richard tried calming him down but he was still shaking.
I looked between the three of them with wide eyes and Dan was the same.

"I think we all should go in our dorms, he need some time to calm down" Richard said and Alex and Dan nodded and quickly scurried out of the dorm.
Richard looked at me with sorry eyes and went to his dorm, closing the dorm behind him.
I can't go anywhere, this is my room afterall. Traitor friends.

I turned to look at him and gasped at how close he was.
He was just behind me and as I turned, I was pressed up against his chest.
I tried to move back, but my legs didn't move.
Why? Why me?

He was staring down at me, still shaking and me being the stubborn person I am, stared back at him.
"Won't you leave?" He asked.
"I- th-this is my dorm too." I stuttered.
"You can always go to dan's room to get away from me." He said.
"No, I am okay with where I am" I said, surprised with the confidence.
"Aren't you scared?" He asked and my brows pulled together.
"From you?" I laughed a small laugh, "Nah, it's not like you are a monster or anything. You are just like all of us. A normal person. Maybe not normal, but not someone who can scare me, you might have a troubled past, but who doesn't? You might think that you are intimidating, but trust me, you are NOT. Atleast not for me. And why should I be scared. For all I care, you can't kill or rape me." I said and went past him towards my bed.
Woah! Where was all this coming from? Specially the confidence. I deserve a bravo pat on the back for not stammering once.

I led on my bed and pulled the blanket over my face, to hide the blush of embarrassment that was creeping on my face.

My small sleep was disturbed from the shufflings coming from the bed beside me.
I turned towards it and saw mahir turning and shuffling and he was wide awake.
Quickly opening my mobile to check the time, I saw 2:24 am.
Closing it, I turned towards him and saw him trying to cuddle with the pillow.
I could have laughed out loud, but that would be breaking the moment.
So I just continued to watch.
And then, I saw something that- I don't know why- breaked my heart.
I saw a tear slip from his eyes.

Quickly but without making any noise, I stood from my bed and went towards his.
Quickly climbing on his bed, half lying on him and half on the bed, my one hand wrapped around his torso while the other was under me.
Total cuddling.
I felt him tense and he rose his hand, maybe to push me away, but I quickly held it and looked at him with puppy eyes. Those work every time.
"I am not able to sleep. Can I cuddle please? I tried cuddling with the pillow, but it's not comfortable, and ofcourse the pillow won't cuddle me back. Please?" Liar lair, pants on fire.
He looked at me with his brown eyes that were shining so bright in the dark and gave a small smile and cuddled me back.

I don't know why I did that, but I am happy that I did.
I know he was able to sleep after that, and I had the best sleep ever.


A long chapter after a long time.
Just felt like it.
Cuz I haven't updated in a long time and you guys deserve a gift.♥️

More and more secrets have to be revealed about the both of them.
Any guesses of how this Jason guy is related to Mahir?

Well, I hope you liked this chapter😍😭♥️
Please do vote and comment and follow.

Sorry for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.

Update before date.😏😉

Sorry for late update.


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