Chapter- 13

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Mahir's pov

I opened my eyes as I didn't wanted to sleep anymore.
It's not like I have completed all my sleep which was deprived from me for my whole life.
It was because, I had the best sleep of my life, even if I just slept for 7 hours.
And I know the reason.

Tilting my head to look at her, I found her sleeping soundly with a cute pout on her lips.

Cute? Oh-kay.
Ugh! Can't I just call a girl cute?
This is the first girl you are calling cute. And she is the first one you called beautiful. Others are just hot.
Shut up! I don't even want to talk to you.
So now, you are abandoning yourself. Well okay then.

Shaking my head and getting rid of the conversation I just had with myself, I concentrated on the girl who was currently in my arms. Sleeping.
My eyes gazed over her face, noticing her brownish hair which had a little tint of red. Going down, my eyes caught the sight of her long- but not too long- eyelashes, and I like the way they are because it makes it easy to look into her dark brown eyes which had thin spikes of gold. Her defined nose. Her sharp jaw. And then my eyes landed on her naturally pink lips.
The sudden urge to touch them was strong but I had to stop myself as she would not really like that.

But I can stare at them.

As I just kept staring at her lips, I remembered the kiss we had in the game of truth and dare.
It didn't mean anything to her.
But it did. To me.

Everyone in the university- except Alex and Richard- thinks that I am a player, that I go around sleeping with girls, but that's not true.
I am not a player, but I just don't care about what people think and I don't have the time to go and correct them.
Let them think what they think.
I just had one girlfriend and that was a long time ago.
And after that I just had three or four encounters with the girls in our university.
And that was just a peck on the lips.
By them.

And now you might me thinking who were the twin sisters I was with when bela entered the dorm.
So let me tell You that we weren't doing anything.
That was all because of Alex.
He called them and told them to come to his room but these dumb chicks entered my room and jumped on me.
And that's when bela entered the dorm.
And like anytime else, I didn't bother to give her an explanation and just made it look like we really were doing something.
Again, we weren't.

I have enough to take care of in my life and I certainly am not waiting for a girl right now.
And what I have is more than enough, for me to care and love.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I found myself staring at the pair of beautiful brown eyes which were staring back at me.
I opened my mouth to say something but before I could, she closed her eyes again and started sleeping.

I chuckled, "I know I am comfortable and warm to cuddle with but don't you think it's time to wake up, sleeping beauty."

She looked at me and just rolled her eyes.
Yes! Just rolled her eyes. If it had been any other women right now, she would have been blushing beet-red.

"You are comfortable and warm but don't say it like I am not, cuz I know just how much you were getting cuddly with me." And, I blushed!
What the fuck? Why am I blushing like a fool!
Maybe because you are a fool?

Ignoring my subconscious, I just chuckled.
"I never said you aren't. You really are very cuddly." I said and tightened my hold on her.
"I know. But Mister, now leave me."
"I don't want to."

And that's when there was a knock on the door and she pushed me down the bed.

"What the-? What was that for?" I asked as she just snuggled deeper into the bed.
"Go and open the door" she ordered- this is the first time someone is ordering me- and I obliged.

As soon as I opened the door, I closed it on the person's face.

What is this douchebag doing here?


Any guesses for who that might be?

And this was a very happy chapter, but I don't think I can say the same about the coming one.

Follow my Insta acc- @pearbhi_love_behir

Today is my birthday and I am giving you this gift.😉❤

Sorry for the update being late.


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