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Bela's pov

The game was taking a quite interesting turn as we got to know that Richard likes a girl but he doesn't have enough guts to ask her out...

And as the dare, I asked him for her name, and when I heard the name, I was shocked would be an understatement....
He said the name I would never  thought he will.
Cristy! Yess you got right! My cousin..

I didn't said anything about her to them because I have to be confirmed that it's her. Right?
She is not a girl to get involved in guys
No no she is not a nerd, in fact she is a street biker...
Impressive, Right?

She just doesn't pays enough attention to guys... not even as much as I do..
And that is zero.

Okay so back to the game!
Luckily, the bottle hasn't yet landed on me or Mahir, I repeat YET.
It landed on Alex twice and in the first he told that he have a crush and did a dare to go out of the room -with one of the guys to make sure he doesn't cheat- and flirt with Mrs. Warren-one of our teacher- and she is strict as hell.

He got one or two hits with her until she just gave the threat to get him suspended, that stopped him.

In the second, we asked him who the crush was and instantly his eyes zeroed to Danny.
And we didn't had to ask much.

Oh Dalex! I am shipping you already.

And he did a dare, in which he had to stole 'very' imaportant notes of the biggest nerd of our college, Stephen Mickey, from his room.
Ha! Stephen is gonna throw a great tantrum.

I don't know Stephen but the guys do and as they say, they have bullied him a lot.
As much as scary it sounds.

And now Alex is gonna spin the bottle,  and I don't know what's going on in his mind but he is looking at mahir, mischievously.

Mahir narrowed his eyes at him, giving a stern look and whispered something in the line of 'don't you dare play that trick with me'.

Gawwd!! I wish this stupid trick doesn't involves me.

Oh! Who am I kidding to, as Alex does some tricks and folds with his fingers and the bottle spins at a really high pace.... and stops at mahir.

Oh! It surely doesn't involves me.
Note the sarcasm

Mahir looked at Alex, giving him deadly glares and yaa
If glares could kill then Alex did be in his grave by now.

While Mahir was giving him glares, he in turn, was just smirking.

"Mahir... what will you choose first.
Truth or dare?"Alex asked, with a obvious smirk and Mahir sighed in defeat because he had to do it.


"Okay! So did you had any 'GIRLS' since 2 days started?" Alex asked and looked at me.
Umm, what type of question is this..
And why is he looking at me like that!

"No" this was mahir's straight reply....

And this reply caused Alex' smirk to turn into a really genuine grin and he looked at me like I have done something to win the Mother Teresa Award.

"And why so?" Alex asked looking back to mahir.
"You got to ask only one question! So shut up" Mahir asked, and he looked... flushed?

"Okay so it's your dare to answer that question" Alex, being the smart ass he is, said and mahir looked more and more flushed.

"I-I am... bored with the boring chicks.
Gotcha"Mahir said while looking at Alex, however I saw him looking at me from the corner of his eyes.

Alex coughed, "boring chicks?? Those chicks suddenly got boring to you!" Alex said with a oh so smirk and mahir was ready to punch him but he was flushed.... Gawd what's happening.


Sorry for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.

Sorry for late update.

Please do vote and comment and follow.

#behir #dalex and suggest a ship name for Richard and Cristy!!

Have a nice day further.


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