Chapter One.

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1. ^^Bea ^^

"Bea what the fuck are you doing in there? " My best friend Carly asked me for the tenth time.

"Nothing just fixing my makeup" I yell through the door. But I know she doesn't believe my tired excuse.

"Bea it's okay to be nervous about walking down the aisle, everyone is. " When she said that it almost made me cry but instead it was amusing.

"What do you know about getting married? " I chuckled

"Um have you forgotten my mom has been married four times? " Oh yes, I forgot about that.

"Yeah I know that but what if it doesn't work out? I love him too much already. What if that love increases and he leaves me! "

I yell once again through the door but this time she swings the bathroom door open.

"Listen here, Bea Liza Anderson! You are gonna come out of this bathroom and get yourself together. And then, you are gonna take your bouquet and walk down that fucking aisle! And youre gonna smile while doing it! Do you Understand? " I nodded and walked out of the bathroom. Only to be greeted by my mother in law who is freaking out herself.

"Mom," I say looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh baby, you look beautiful. Like straight from a magazine beautiful." She says smiling at me.

"Thank You mama.-"

"You have five minutes before the wedding ceremony." Sara my wedding planner calls from the hall. Oh! No how do I look. There's only one way to find out.

"Aunt Martha" She'll be honest with me. I never thought having a very blunt aunt would ever come in handy.

"Child what do you want i'm trying to get my last cigarette in before this wedding." Her raspy voice said never have I been so happy to hear that voice. She's been married to many men and knows more about weddings than any of us.

"Please, tell me how do I look? " I said looking at her staight in the eyes.

"Honey, you look marvelous, exquisite, seductive, enticing, tormenting, beautiful, simple yet Glamourous. That husband of yours will fall at your feet. Reminds me of my first wedding." She says with a tear rolling down her cheek.

I went to the mirror to see if what she was saying was true. And it was. My size C breast sat up perfectly in my sweetheart neckline dress. That hugged my curves down to the top of my knees and came into high low with ruffles and a short train. I turn around to see my dress hugging my butt impeccably. I can do this.

"I'm ready" I yell to no one in particular while checkin my hair. With my curls falling flawlessly framing my breasts. No vail I despise Vails.

"Then come on then. " My mother in law says rushing me down the hall behind the flower girls. Who I don't even know, but they're cute.

"Don't forget what I said." Carla says shoving a boquet in my hands and telling me to smile. I do as I was told and move foward as the flower girls do until i'm at the door.

"Eveyone please stand." The pastor says and the music begins to play. I take a deep breath, and begin to walk slowly towards my husband to be. He looks so sexy in his tux. God, I love that man. 'You look gorgeous' he mouthes to me making me blush. I look around at the people as the look at me in awe. Then I make it to the end where my very soon to be husband is.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here, in the sight of God, and in the presence of these witnesses, to join together this man and this woman, in holy matrimony; which is an honorable estate, instituted by God. That should not be taken lightly. " I really don't wanna do all this. I never wanted a big wedding, but my mother did. So here we are. All I wanna say is 'I do'.

"Marcello Malcolm Morrison wilt thou have this woman to be thy wedded wife, to live together in the holy bonds of matrimony? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health; and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her so long as ye both shall live? " He says to Marcello. Soon to be My Marcello.

"I will" He says smiling brightly at me. That smile that I love so much.

"Bea Liza Anderson wilt thou have this man to be thy wedded husband, to live together in the holy bonds of matrimony? Wilt thou love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health; and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto him so long as ye both shall live? "

"I will" I say also smiling brightly.

"Who giveth this woman to be married to this man? " He wasnt supposed to ask that. Does it look like my dad is here? He's too busy traveling with his second wife in Bora Bora.

" I do" My mother in law yells. I turn around smiling at her thankfully and blowing her a kiss. Since my actual mother is not here to give me away. I never knew my father.

"Thank you, Marcello take Bea's right hand into yours and repeat after me.

I, Marcello Malcolm Morrison take thee, Bea Liza Anderson to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith." And he repeated it wholeheartly. Boy I hope I can do that.

" Bea take Marcello's right hand into yours" And I do so.

Repeat after me

"I, Bea Liza Anderson take thee, Marcello Malcolm Morrison to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith." I repeated stumbling on richer for poor which caused people to chuckle.

"Now exchange the rings. " I slide Marcello's ring on smoothly. And he does the same and my ring was something to look at. It's a huge round everything you could ever dream of in a wedding ring.

" And the vows begining with the man. " He says stepping back. Marcello takes my hands in his and looks deep into my eyes.

"Bea, my baby, my love, my heart, I love you more than I love myself. Not one second goes by that I don't think of you. Your amazing smile. Your goofy jokes that I love so much. The way your eyes twinkle when I say I love you. I fell in love with everything you do, done, and will do. You are the most precious gift that God has given to me. And i'm gonna be proud to call you my wife. " By the end of that tears were sliding down my cheeks. I love him so much. But I cant let this take over its my turn.

"Marcello or Cello as I love to call you. I have never met anyone like you. When you proposed to me I never thought for a second about my answer. I knew it was yes. I love you and I wish there were more words to say I love you. But as your wife I promise to show you how much I love you. Truthfully I don't deserve you or your love. But God saw fit to make you mine and every day i'm gonna give thanks to him, for making you for me. I love you Cello." After those words I finally felt complete.

"Now that you have said your vows. May Father God bless you, preserve you, and keep you; May the Lord graciously with his favor look upon you, and so fill you with all spiritual benediction and love that you may so live together in this life that in the realm to come you may together have life everlasting. Amen"

You may kiss the bride, and may Peace be forever with you. After those words Marcello pulled me tightly against him and kissed me hard. While every one cheered.

"I love you" Marcello said smiling at me with the widest smile ever.

"Same here baby. " I said returning his smile.

I am now this Mrs. Bea Morrison. Ive never felt so happy in my life.

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