Chapter Six

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I woke up to a ringing sound. I groaned loudly, and realized that was my door bell. I slipped on Marcello's blue shirt and walked downstairs in that and white socks. I hope it's nobody important. I open the door and there is Duncan my assistant.

"Oops I forgot" I say laughing.

"Bitch, you better get to cooking cause im hungry."  pushes past me and just walks his self to the kitchen.

"I don't know why you walking in my house like you own it." I say loudly as I follow him into the kitchen.

"I own everything I walk in and on" He laughes.

"What you wanna eat?" I look at him while standing in the open refridgerator.

"Suprise me" Then he puts his feet on my tabel.

"Get your feet off my tabel!" I yell loudly.

"Alright alright damn" He sounds like a teenager, and I sound like my mother.

I go over and pick up the phone and order chinese.

"Are you going to cook or not?" I rolled my eyes and wished I could understand the chinese lady on the other line.

'Chinese' I mouth to him.

"Oh." I again roll my eyes. I was done ordering and I went to sit at the tabel across from Duncan.

"I got shrimp fried rice and Teryki Wings." I say combing through my hair.

"Yeah, Marcello fucked that shit up lastnight did'nt he?" I laugh loudly

"I'm not going to lie he did. " I say proudly.

"So Mrs. Morrison how was it?" I decide to play dumb.

"How was what Duncan" I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Your first time and sex with that fine ass husband of yours!" I sat back and thought of the words to describe my first time, and making love with my husband.

"Well the first time was undescribeable and magnificent but that wasn't the best part of it." He looks at me like what? I take off my necklace and put it on the tabel.

"That's real nice but what's so important about this? " He says while admiring, the necklace.

"It's Marcello's virginity." I say while giggling.

"I'm lost" I smiled, and put my necklace back on.

"Well basically a symbol of his virtue, because he had already given his virginity away. It was sweet. Thinking of it made me blush.

"But tell me about it though." He asks really interested.

"It hurt at first but then, it was magical. I loved every minute of it. Then afterwards I was proud that I waited to give myself to the man I loved." I smiled brightly.

"I wish I could get Carlos to commit but he's still stuck in the closet. " He says while rolling his eyes.

"Really, the closet isn't he like forty years old. How is he still in the closet. " I say and look at him in disbelief.

"No, he's thirty eight. And Carlos is a manly man. If his friends found out he was gay and has been his whole life they'll shut him out. And his mother, goodness that woman would never forgive him. " He says frowning.

"No offence but I am glad i'm not a homosexual because it just... " I was cut off by the word I couldn't quite find.

"Complicates things I know, and they say at my church we're not supposed to be that way. But I can't help that I think vaginas are disgusting. And I can't, help that when I think of my future it's living with Carlos with a little baby girl, which we adopted from china. " He says getting up to get some water.

"China" I giggle.

"Ye-" He was cut off by the door bell ringing.

"I wonder if your baby girl, can make shrimp fried rice when she's older." I say in my way to the door. Then I open it and there is the man with our food. I pay him and get our food. And wall back into the kitchen.

"Ha ha very funny, bring that food over here.

"I just hope that Marcello will get out of his baby fever. It's like his biological clock is ticking non-stop." I say sighing

"What you mean?" Duncan asks as he wipes his teryaki sauce covered mouth.

"He wants me pregnant like now. And he wants children and a family at this moment." I hope Duncan can help me.

"Girl, that is a subject for your mom. I might be gay but i'm a man." He says

"My mom is in LA dealing with her divorce. She has no time for my problems." I say and come to think of it has always been that way.

"Well why can't you get pregnant and have a little bundle of joy. I mean you are married and happy right? That's the best time to do it." He says and he is right but i'm not ready.

" We are really happy. But i'm just not ready for a baby. We haven't, even been married for two whole days." I say as I take my plate to the sink and wash it.

"I think he just wants ya'll to have a little family. He thinks that's the next move for you two." He may be right but Marcello can be complicated sometimes so you never know what he is thinking.

"I'm gonna go get dressed. Wash your plate. " I say on my way up the stairs. I put on my White Winnie The Pooh scrubs and pink Toms also some pink lip gloss. I curl the ends of my hair into spirals and put on my pearl earrings. I make up the bed and walk downstairs. To Duncan on the phone. He gets off right when I walked into the kitchen.

"Can you drive youself to work because Carlos wants me to pick him up from work?" I laugh at his question. Carlos's car breaks down atleast once a week.

"Yeah, I can." I grab my keys, wallet and a bottle of apple juice.

"RTG" He yelled and we walked, out the door. I locked the door and got into my car. I turned on the radio and drove to my dream job.

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