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Bev seemed overly eager to break into Sonia Kaspbrack's house. She didn't know which one it was, but Richie showed her and she immediately got to work picking all of the locks. Richie was impressed by her skills, but didn't say anything about it. He just wanted to get inside the damn house.

"There we go," Bev said with a smile, opening the door to the house. She led Richie inside, shutting the door quietly behind her.

Richie frowned once the got inside. It looked... normal? There was a small kitchen and a reclining chair in the living room. It was all tidy and smelled like lavender. To Richie, it was too normal.

"Sorry, Tozier," Bev said. "Guess she just likes routine."

"No, it's too normal. I heard screeching and whimpering, Bev. There's no way I was hearing things," Richie argued, walking toward a set of stairs.

The two climbed them, Bev rolling her eyes and Richie searching for any sign of something out of the ordinary. It didn't take them long to find it.

They searched through a guest room and a bathroom until they reached a room at the end of the hall. Richie tried to open it, but it was locked. There was a red light glowing from underneath the door, giving Bev a creepy and unsettling feeling.

"Can you pick it?" Richie asked, not looking phased whatsoever.

"Rich, I don't know if this is a good idea," Bev responded, stepping away from the door. Her head started pounding and it felt as if all of the happiness and security had been sucked out of her.

She wanted to get out of the damn house.

Richie, however, didn't seem to feel any of the consequences. He looked over at Bev who was inching away from the door, goosebumps all over her body, despite that fact that it was warm inside. She was pale and shaking slightly.

"Are you okay?" Richie asked, confused by her negative reaction.

"N-no... I want to leave," Bev whispered, stepping toward the stairs.

Richie knew that he owed it to Bev that he got to look around, and she was clearly very uncomfortable. He took a look at the door with the glowing red light before he nodded and followed Bev to the stairs.

They had started walking down them when they heard a whimper, almost a broken sob, and scratching. There was also a loud clinking sound from behind them.

Bev's heart was racing, and Richie was more curious than afraid. He was scared for sure, but he wanted to know what the sound was. It sounded like someone in pain.

"Come on, Bev. If that crazy lady is keeping someone locked in their room we can just leave," Richie said, walking back toward the door.

Once again, as they got closer, Bev felt more and more unsafe. She stayed near to the wall, shivering and breathing shakily.

"What if she's trying to keep something dangerous away from us?" Bev asked as Richie turned to her, waiting for her to pick the lock.

"C'mon, she's literally three hundred pounds, Bev. Anything she was trying to keep away could easily escape," Richie said with an eye roll.

Bev still looked uncomfortable, but she picked the lock to the door. It was common for Bev to be scared of random things, but she couldn't help the feeling. It was as if fear and cowardice itself had taken root in her body.

She didn't understand how Richie didn't feel it.

Richie opened the door cautiously, walking inside. He glanced around, glaring at the room. There was a lamp in the corner with a red sheet over it, giving off the reddish glow. There were black curtains keeping the room dark other than the glow. The room smelled like lavender and raw meat, which Richie found creepy, but he pressed on.

It seemed like a kid's room. There was a small bed, a desk, books all over as well as a shelf filled with pills. The strangest part of the room was a large metal bar attached to the wall, much like a pull up bar from gym class.

Even creepier was that neither Richie nor Bev could hear the whimpers and cries or see anyone in the room.

"Okay, there's nothing here, can we leave now?" Bev asked, feeling even more stressed as she looked around the creepy room.

Richie sighed. He'd really been hoping he'd find something.

"Yeah, let's go," he said, turning around.

As they turned, the door to the room slammed closed. It was fast; a flash of red eyes and wide, leathery looking sheets? Richie didn't have time to process as both he and Bev were knocked to the ground, falling unconscious.

As he felt himself drift away from the conscious world, Richie could've sworn he felt something burning hot gently touching his cheek.

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