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Richie glanced around at his friends, terror in his eyes. He knew what was going to happen. He fucking knew that they would all get out of it safely.

Already he could feel the effects of the demon entering his body. Everything about himself felt weak. Another mind was taking over and he was fighting to stop it, but to no avail. He heard a voice in the back of his head, telling him how weak he was, how he wouldn't be able to save anyone.

"Rich?" Eddie asked, watching as Richie's panic seemed to fade as he was taken over.

"G-get it out," Richie whined, knowing if it stayed he'd end up hurting someone. "Eds, get it out!"

Mike ran forward and shoved a device into Richie's heart, but the device exploded, flinging glass everywhere.

Richie looked over and saw the panic on Avi's face, then he recognized why. "It's one of the stronger ones, isn't it?" he asked, feeling control slip away.

Everything became hazy and Richie felt an unnerving heat burning him from the inside out. It hurt really fucking bad, and he couldn't think anymore. He could see everyone, but couldn't force himself to speak. His control felt as though it had been stripped away.

"He's losing control," Avi said, seeing a pink hue surround Richie's eyes. "Eddie, keep him from reaching the portal. Mike, come with me."

"What're we gonna do?" Mike asked, following Avi as she ran toward the Neibolt house.

"Closing that damned portal. If the demon can't go back to Hell, we can potentially save Richie."

"Hey!" a voice yelled as Mike and Avi ran toward the house.

They turned and saw Stan, Bill, Ben, and Bev running to where they were. They all had their containment devices, some with demons and others empty.

"Give me your devices," Avi said, taking them from the group. When she saw the red ones that Ben and Bev had, she stopped. "Hold on the these."

"Why?" Ben asked, though he figured it had something to do with the lack of danger the red souls possessed.

"They're not dangerous. They're neutral souls, like Eddie's. Meaning they don't have much mind of their own, so they bond easily to people. They can help us with our current situation."

Stan grabbed Avi's arm before she could run off again. "What is our current situation?" he asked, noticing that Richie and Eddie were absent from the group.

Avi grabbed the devices filled with black souls and patted Mike's shoulder. "I'll let you take this one," she said, walking toward the Neibolt house.

Mike explained what was going on just as Richie rounded the corner, running from Eddie who looked pissed off.

"Fuck," Stan whispered, running toward Richie and helping Eddie to take him down.

Without Avi helping with her powers, it was hard to hold Richie back. The demon had obviously taken over, as Richie was snarling and scratching, trying to get out of Eddie's grip. It seemed as though Richie was still fighting, as he still looked human and Eddie wasn't completely outmatched.

"Get away!" Eddie hissed as Stan ran toward them. "Richie's still fighting but if he loses control this thing will tear you guys apart!"

"What ab-about you?" Bill yelled, grabbing Stan's arm and pulling him back.

Eddie growled once again and punched Richie in the stomach, but the hit looked like it didn't do anything. "I'll be fine. Go help the enchantress! She'll need more help closing that portal!"

As soon as the demon in Richie heard that they were planning on shutting the opening, it snarled and claws spurted out where Richie's hands were. It was too strong for the human, and began to undergo its transformation. It dove on top of Eddie, who was still yelling at the others to leave and trying to force the demon off of him.

"Come on, Rich," Eddie whined as the demon glared at him, eyes red. "Fight back. You're stronger than you think."

The eyes of the demon flashed brown momentarily, before regaining their red hue. Fangs sprung out in the mouth of the beast, and it hissed, running its claws down Eddie's cheek.

"I'm going to kill you, then your friends, then use the enchantress for her power. Once I trade hosts, I'll kill this one too," the demon snarled, making Eddie yell angrily, but unable to do anything.

The demon lowered its claws to Eddie's chest, ready to stab into his heart and kill him. Eddie closed his eyes and thought of the new life he'd been given, even if it only lasted for a few days.

The pain from the demon's claws never radiated through his chest.

Eddie opened his eyes and saw the demon holding its arm back, but it was unable to move it. It was snarling loudly, but couldn't fight back.

Then, it was torn off of Eddie and tumbled to the ground, growling and turning to what attacked him. Eddie knew he should've helped, but he was trapped sitting on the ground, too busy trying to processing who had saved him.

His savior leapt at the demon, forcing it to remove itself from Richie's body and into a black device; the one Avi had carried with her, meant to capture the stronger demons.

Richie collapsed to the ground and Eddie leapt toward him, catching him before Richie ended up with a concussion or some kind of injury. Eddie held the boy's head on his lap, stroking his hair and cupping his cheek.

"Eds?" Richie croaked, looking up into Eddie's eyes, which were their gentle brown color.

"Hey, Rich. It's gonna be okay, you're safe," Eddie whispered as the other losers ran toward him, never having left. "Get him to the hospital. I've got work to do."

"Okay, but who's that?" Bev asked, pointing at the person who had saved both Richie and Eddie.

Eddie smirked and stood up, handing Richie to Mike, who was the strongest of the group.

"I don't know, but she saved my ass, so she on our side," Eddie said, walking toward the stranger who held out the containment device.

"Where's Aviana?" she asked, allowing Eddie to take the device.

"Closing the portal. Who are you?" Eddie asked, leading the girl toward the Neibolt house.

"Jane. I'm here to help," the girl, Jane, said, following Eddie to where Hell had been opened.


This story is kinda a flop, but thank you to everyone who's been reading and voting :))

Love y'all and hope you don't hate this as much as I do

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