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Bev picked the locks again as Bill and Stan stood as lookouts. Ben had his hand clutched firmly on Richie's bicep to keep him from running off or running into Eddie and getting some other type of burn or injury. They all snuck inside, Bev leading the group while everyone else tried to keep Richie from running up the stairs.

It was as if all of his judgement was clouded and he needed to get to Eddie.

Bev slammed the door to Eddie's room open, ignoring the feeling of fear that settled in her chest. She could tell that everyone else felt it except for Richie, but they ignored it and followed Bev.

"Hey, demon!" Bev yelled, ignoring the glare Richie shot her. "Where the fuck are you?!"

The sound of the chain clinking echoed in the room. The red sheet had been placed on the lamp again so it was difficult to see anything, and the room was extremely warm; something Bev hadn't noticed the day before. Movement caught their attention as the group glanced over to the bed where a pile of blankets was moving.

Eddie climbed out from under it, growling slightly and glaring at the group. He spread his wings threateningly, his eyes flashing red, but he stopped when he saw Bev and Richie.

"You two were here yesterday?" he asked, pushing the blankets off himself and looking at Bev and Richie.

"Yeah, and you burnt his face and he tried to attack someone and me, so you better fucking fix him!" Bev snapped, arms crossed as Eddie slid off his bed, the chain hitting the ground loudly.

He was wearing a huge sweatshirt and shorts, his hair tousled, showing he had just been asleep. He walked over to Richie, and the others backed away in fear. Only Bev held her ground.

"He's not broken," Eddie said, looking up at Richie who easily stood seven inches taller than him.

"He's not a demon like you. His eyes shouldn't turn red," Bev snarled.

"I didn't mean to share that much power," Eddie said quietly. He held his hand to Richie's face, touching the mark he had left the day before.

Within seconds it faded and Richie stumbled back, as if he was waking up from a trance. When he saw Eddie standing in front of him, he broke into a wide grin.

"Hey, Eds!"

"Do not call me that!" Eddie snarled, spreading his wings aggressively.

"Y-you said th-that you didn't mean t-to share too much p-power. What does that m-mean?" Bill asked, stepping forward so he could see Eddie clearly.

Eddie rolled his eyes and flew over to his bed, settling on it. "None of your business."

"We already know you're a demon. You might as well-" Stan began but was cut off by Eddie, who dove on his chest, effectively stopping his speaking.

"I am not a demon!" Eddie snarled, his eyes flashing their bright red.

"G-get off of h-him!" Bill snapped, running forward and shoving Eddie to the ground. As soon as he had done it, Bill backed up, terrified Eddie would rip his throat out or something.

What he didn't expect was Eddie to stand up weakly and look extremely upset. He spread his wings and flew to his metal bar, wrapping them around himself to hide from view.

"Nice job, Bill," Richie said, walking over and standing under the bar. "Eds? You okay?"

"Leave," Eddie said irritably. "I am not a demon."

"Yeah, the red eyes and giant wings make you seem real human," Stan said with a scoff.

"Shut up, Stan," Richie said before softening his tone and speaking up to Eddie again. "Can you tell us what you are?"

Demon 🔥 Reddie Where stories live. Discover now