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Richie and Eddie held hands on the way out of the hospital room. Henry was leading them, but they soon came to a halt as a nurse turned the corner.

"Excuse me? We haven't cleared you, sir. I want to do a final check," the nurse said, cocking her head and looking at Eddie.

"Oh, uh, okay," Eddie murmured, stopping. He turned to walk back to his room, but felt an arm on his shoulder.

"Hey, don't touch him," Richie snapped at Henry, who had grabbed onto Eddie. "We can finish his checkup and then meet up with others."

"There's no time," Henry said, his voice deeper than usual. He was glaring at Richie, looking angrier than anyone had ever seen him.

"Dude, we told you he's not a demon, so fuck off," Richie snapped, grabbing Henry's arm and pulling it off of Eddie's shoulder.

Bad idea.

Henry turned around and grabbed Richie's neck, slamming him into the wall. That's when his eyes flashed red and his wings burst out of his back. The demon-Henry began to undergo its whole transformation. Its clothes were torn as it grew, its entire body becoming a dark, ashy color.

"That's not Henry!" Eddie yelled, clearly terrified that he couldn't do anything since he was without his powers.

"Run!" Richie choked out, his back scraping against the wall as the demon reached its full height. He could feel the claws cutting at the back of his neck, and shuddered, knowing he might not survive much longer.

The demon forced fear into Richie, and he nearly cried out in terror. Eddie had never been able to do that, since he didn't have the full power, due to his being part human. The new demon seemed to have full control over Richie's emotions, making him feel fear and terror.

"Stop!" Eddie screamed, grabbing the demon's leg and trying to pull it off of Richie.

The demon easily moved one of its talon hands and lifted Eddie, slamming him into the wall next to Richie. It then howled loudly, making Eddie tense up.

"Wh-what's it doing?" Richie gasped out, losing air since the demon had tightened its grip.

"Calling... it's calling the pack," Eddie whimpered, knowing that if a demon was attacking them, nothing good would come of it. Especially since he and Richie weren't killers and didn't need to be removed to protect others.

Eddie knew he needed to protect Richie. He grabbed the hand on his neck, then reached to the necklace around his neck. He counted to three in his head, then stabbed the device into his heart.

It fucking hurt, but it felt familiar. Eddie felt warmth flood into his body, and felt almost normal. The pain in his chest vanished as his second soul returned to his body. Strength returned to his limbs and he could sense everything again. The necklace fell to the ground and rolled away, catching the demon's attention.

Snarling, Eddie let his wings burst from his back and pushed the unexpecting demon off of him, landing on top. He knew he needed to find a way to win, or else the demon would have both him and Richie. He wasn't as strong and his powers were weaker.

The demon snarled and threw Eddie off of him, who easily caught himself in the air. He tried to fight back, but the other's powers were too strong and he threw him to the ground, his powers failing as the demon held him down. It showed off its long claws and fangs, which were aspects Eddie hadn't been born with.

The demon placed on claw on Eddie's throat, and it began to force its sharp claw into Eddie's neck, cutting open a bloody mark.

Then, it pulled a device from nowhere. It looked just like the device Eddie had used to suck the demon out of him, but it was black.

"Soon, all you'll be is a demon," the creature hissed, pushing the device toward Eddie's open neck would.

He wailed loudly, trying to get the beast off of him, but to no avail. He watched the device be pushed nearer, and knew that the demon was trying to take away the human piece of him. It was going to reduce him to pure demon, and he'd end up following them blindly.

Eddie shut his eyes, trying to prepare to feel any form of joy and love pulled forcefully from his body. Tears made their way to his eyes, and he tried to remember all of the good he had felt in the past few days.

The feeling he was expecting never came. Instead, he heard a howl from above him, a terrible shriek.

Eddie opened his eyes, breathing quickly in fear, and saw the demon above him turning into less of a demon. Its skin began to turn to a peach color, the red eyes turned back to Henry's greenish eyes. The weight reduced, as did the height.

Eddie pushed Henry's body off of him, which was breathing but unconscious. He saw Richie standing behind him, holding the necklace. It had a new soul inside, but this one was black and fighting against the containment.

"Shit, your neck!" Richie exclaimed, running toward Eddie and looking and the blood dripping from Eddie's neck and staining his shirt.

"I'm okay," Eddie said, grabbing the fabric of his shirt and pressing it against the wound. "You saved me."

Richie sighed and smiled. "I'm just glad you're okay," he said, hugging Eddie and ignoring the blood that leaked onto his shirt. "You are okay?"

Eddie pulled away and rolled his eyes in a playful manner. "I'm fine. We have a bigger issue, though. A fucking demon possessed Henry, but not in a symbiotic way. It was in the demon using Henry as a disguise."

"That's impossible. I thought the portal closed!"

"I have no idea," Eddie said in a small voice. He pulled his wings into his back and his eyes faded to brown. "We need to make sure your friends are okay."

Richie put an arm around Eddie's waist. "None of this is your fault."

"I was the one who opened the portal. You said that you thought it was a bad idea but I didn't listen," Eddie said angrily, wiping the blood from his neck onto his shorts. He turned into Richie's chest, burying his face in the fabric of his shirt.

A nurse came walking down the hall and saw Henry on the ground and Richie holding Eddie to his chest.

"He, uh, he needs a doctor," Richie said, pointing at Henry.

The nurse nodded, and she and a few doctors helped carry Henry into another room.

Richie led Eddie down the hall as they tried to think of their next move when he felt a hand grab his arm. He turned around, ready to fight, when he saw Sonia Kaspbrack was the person holding onto him.

"Ms Kaspbrack?" Richie asked, and noticed how Eddie snarled and stood behind him.

"I don't care if you hate me," Sonia snapped, looking at Eddie. "I know what needs to be done."

Without another word, Sonia turned and walked back to her hospital room. Even though Eddie hated her, he growled and grabbed Richie's hand, forcing him to follow.

Demon 🔥 Reddie Where stories live. Discover now