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Stan and Bill:

Stan and Bill were in charge of the quadrant that spread around the temple and some of the neighborhood. They walked cautiously, inhaling sharply at every unnatural sound. There were a few people outside that they yelled at to get inside. Some listened, others ignored them.

"You'd think demons would stay away from a place of worship," Stan said as Bill opened the door to the temple.

They bent down and crawled behind the rows of pews, looking over to see if they could spot any demons. Thankfully, no service was in session so no one but themselves were in any danger.

Bill began to shake as he saw two demons sitting up where the rabbi stood during services. They were snarling at each other, speaking in their own language.

"I'll dis-distract them," Bill whispered, and Stan turned to him with confused eyes and shock.

"What?!" he asked in a quiet, terrified voice.

Bill just smiled softly and ran out to where he could be seen. "H-hey!" he yelled, and the demons turned to look at him.

The both spread their wings and flew at him, ready to take a victim back to their portal to transfer to a full demon, but as they neared, Stan prepared two devices.

Before either of the creatures could touch Bill, Stan had struck and, in a flurry of flapping wings and petrified shrieks, the demons were sucked into the devices. The only thing left was the black substance that they became, pounding on the glass with hopes of escape.

"Are you okay?!" Stan asked, helping Bill to stand and pulling him into a tight hug.

"Y-yeah," Bill said, smiling at Stan who still looked horrified by Bill's unexpected actions.

"Shit, Bill. Don't ever do something like that again! I thought you were going to get killed!"

Bill laughed lightly. "I n-need to help sa-save the town, Stan. If it's de-destroyed, how a-am I supposed to t-t-take you out on a d-date?" he asked, smiling even brighter when he saw Stan blush.

"You want to-"

Bill cut off the beginning of Stan's ramble by pressing their lips together and almost ruining by smiling when he felt Stan instantly kiss back. When they pulled away, Bill held up his empty containment devices.

"C-come on. We've g-got demons to hu-hunt," Bill whispered, taking Stan's hand and marching toward the door of the temple.

Bev and Ben:

Bev and Ben were the most productive of the four groups. They stuck together and stabbed every person in sight with their containment devices. Sure, they accidentally pulled out and had to put back several human souls, but they also had collected five demons.

"How are you not scared?" Ben asked as Bev grinned and stabbed someone else with one of her devices.

It surprisingly pulled out a demon's soul, and the person, who happened to be the pharmacist, blinked in confusion and looked around.

"What's going on?" he asked, glancing between Bev and Ben.

"Nothing, Mr Keene. You're having a bad day. Why don't you go home?" Bev said in her sweetest voice.

Mr Keene nodded dumbly and turned to walk down the street that would bring him home.

"I'd be more scared, but I've dealt with enough bullshit that makes them demons look tame," Bev said, looking in the devices with confusion in her eyes.

"Bev, if you ever need anyone to talk to-" Ben began, only for Bev to cut him off.

"Look at this," she said, holding up the devices.

There were several black ones, but in three of the devices there were reddish-pink souls. They weren't fighting, but were calmly flowing around the device.

"What about them?" Ben asked, lifting the device to his face to observe it.

"Remember when we sucked out Eddie's soul? It was red, like these. What if that's the difference between the ones that want us all to be demons and the ones that don't?"

"Why would any want to be on our side, Bev?"

"They used to guard Derry. These ones are trying to stick to their protocol it seems, while the others want us dead and demonic," Bev said excitably. "We need to find Avi. We've already finished our section anyway."

Ben nodded and followed Bev as she ran toward the section that their two friends had taken on.

Mike and Avi:

"These assholes-" Avi grunts and ducks as a demon dives toward her and Mike makes quick work of hitting the creature with a containment device and restraining it. "They're the reason I don't miss Derry."

Mike holds up the device, the black soul slamming into the walls and snarling as it realizes there's no means of escape.

"We've got four. Hopefully there aren't many more," Mike said, breathing heavily.

As much as Avi didn't want to admit it, she and Mike made an amazing team. They both were smart and knew the best course of action when it came to battling the hellish animals.

"We can hope." Avi brushed her hair out of her eyes, sweat dripping down her nose and off her face. "You all good?"

"Yeah. Just tired of demons and all this bullshit in our town," Mike said with a smirk.

"Trust me, you have no idea how much I didn't miss this place," Avi growled, walking further into their section.

"What'll you do when you're done? When this is all over?" Mike asked, catching up to his partner.

"Probably take off again. Maybe go to the west coast. They seem to lack killer demons and psychos."

Mike laughed, but stopped when he heard an earsplitting shriek. He and Avi shared a terrified expression and sprinted toward the sound. They crossed over into Richie and Eddie's quadrant, where three demons stood, attacking their friends.

Richie was trying to stab at one, but to no avail, while Eddie laid on the ground, held down by the others, who were snarling and attempting to leech out his human soul.

Avi and Mike instantly ran to help them, fighting the demons and trapping them in their own devices. It didn't take long, but as soon as they had contained the two, a cool wind blew through the area.

"Why do I feel like we're going to die?" Richie asked, grabbing Eddie's hand, who was still shaken and looked dazed.

"Fuck," Avi murmured as a demon, larger than the others, stepped into view.

It looked as though it was going to attack them, but then saw the device Avi was holding.

"You come prepared," the demon said, its voice low and scratchy.

"I've learned," Avi responded, opening her wings.

The demon laughed darkly. "You never learn, enchantress. You'll never learn how to kill one of your own."

"I don't have to kill anyone. I just have to capture you," Avi snarled, leaping at the demon.

Before she got there, the demon struck, diving straight at Richie. Both he and Eddie screamed as the demon entered his body, attempting its takeover.

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