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The door opened slowly, a man with a glare standing behind it. When he saw Richie and Eddie, his expression softened and he opened the door wider.

"Thought ya might've been Butch Bowers," the man said under his breath. "Can I help you?"

"Uh, yeah, this is kind of a random question, but you wouldn't happen to know Vincent Hanlon, would you?" Richie asked.

The man started to laugh a little bit. "I knew him when he was alive. Why you after him?"

"He wrote this book," Richie said, taking off his backpack and handing it to the man at the door. "We have some questions about it."

The man looked at them for a second, as if he was debating whether or not to trust their intentions. Then, he turned inside his house. "Mike, come here!" he called.

A dark skinned boy that looked to be around their age came running down the stairs. He was bigger than both of them, which would've scared Richie, but he had a kind face. He looked to the man that Richie assumed was his father, who leaned against the door frame.

"This is my grandson, Mike. He was close with Vincent when he was still alive. If you've got questions, he's the best source," the man said, walking back into the depths of the house.

Mike looked between Richie and Eddie before stepping outside and shutting the door. He didn't say anything, but kept glancing back at Eddie, who was holding Richie's hand tightly. They ended up in a loft inside of the barn, up high where no one could see them.

Mike sat down and looked between the pair. "You're here to ask about the demons, huh?" he asked immediately, glancing between Richie and Eddie.

"How would you know that?" Eddie challenged, sitting a bit in front of Richie, as if he was trying to protect him.

"You act more like a demon than any I've ever seen. Not that I've really seen any, but my great grandpa told me all about them. How are you still in Derry? I thought all of the demons were chased out."

Eddie stayed quiet, refusing to disclose any information about himself. He looked around the barn, not making any eye contact, despite Richie's attempts to get him to talk.

"Come on, Eds. He already knows anyway," Richie said, nudging Eddie's arm. "If you don't tell him, I will."

"I want to speak with Vincent Hanlon," Eddie growled, glaring at Mike.

"He's dead, and we both know that even demons can't talk to the dead. I can answer any questions you have, and if you don't want to ask, the door is right over there," Mike said, leaning against the loft wall.

Eddie didn't look panicked by the threat at all, and still refused to speak.

"I'm Richie Tozier," Richie said, holding out his hand. "And this is Eddie."

Eddie glared at Richie as he shook Mike's hand.

"Eddie wasn't chased out because he's part human. He's been living with his biological mother his whole life and he escaped yesterday," Richie said, ignored Eddie's eyes as they glowed red.

"Escaped?" Mike asked, and Richie delved into the story of Eddie's life and his escape.

Eddie was glaring at him the whole time as he talked to Mike, but Richie couldn't care less. Every time Eddie tried to get Richie to stop talking, Richie would roll his eyes and continue.

"We need help. He doesn't really know what to do," Richie explained, ignoring Eddie as he was pacing around, trying to keep his anger under control.

"Well, he can't join the demons. They all went back to Hell, and he can't go because he's part human. The safest place for him was in one room, since that way no one knows about him. The more people that know, the more danger he's in," Mike said as Eddie scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"I have powers, farm boy. I'm not in any danger," Eddie snarled, sitting next to Richie with his head on the latter's shoulder.

"The demons weren't sent back to Hell, Eddie. They went back on their own since being here was too dangerous. Do you guys know Henry Bowers?"

Eddie snarled at the name and Richie put an arm around the demon's shoulder in attempt to calm him down.

"Yeah, we know him. He's an asshole," Richie said as Eddie crawled into his lap and leaned back against Richie's chest.

"His great grandpa is the reason the demons left. They found a way to capture a demon, which should be impossible. My great grandpa helped free it, and that's where he got all of the information for his book. Then, he encouraged them to leave, and they trusted him so they listened. You're in a lot of danger, Eddie. If anyone knows you're a demon-"

"No one knows," Eddie snarled cutting him off. "No one except Richie and his friends. I'm safe."

Richie nodded in agreement, but his phone rang loudly before he could say anything else.

"Stan?" Richie asked aloud, answering his phone. "Stan the Man! How can I help you, my fine fellow?"

"Please tell me that you and Eddie are somewhere safe," Stan said, sounding breathless and afraid.

"Yeah, we're at the Hanlon farm. Why?"

"Bowers has started some weird campaign, looking for people with unnatural tendencies. Primarily red eyes and wings. Sound familiar?"

"Who's going to listen to him?" Richie asked, laughing. "He barely even shows up for school."

"Not Henry, Richie. I'm talking about his dad. You know, the fucking police chief?" Stan sounded irritated, and Richie didn't really blame him.

"Sonia fucking sold him out?" Richie growled, knowing that no one else would've said anything.

"What? No! You did, Rich!"

"How the fuck did I-"

"Henry brought the issue up to his dad! He saw your eyes change when Eddie shared his power! He made an announcement to everyone at school, and they came into second to try to find you!"

"They think I'm a demon?" Richie asked. He was afraid, but part of him was thankful that it meant they wouldn't be after Eddie.

"I'm not sure. We're all coming to you, okay?"

Mike and Eddie had overheard the call, and Mike grabbed the phone from Richie's hand.

"Hey, this is Mike Hanlon. If they're after Richie, make sure no one follows you. Cut through the woods past the Neibolt house, okay?" Mike said, sounding stressed.

"Okay, thank you," Stan said before hanging up.

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