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Eddie refused to sit near his mother. He stood on the other side of the room, leaning against the wall. His wings were hidden, but his eyes were bright red, showcasing his anger.

"I'm glad you're okay," Sonia said, sitting back in the bed. "I was worried when you ran off."

Eddie glared at her, growling, and refused to respond. He stood beside Richie, making sure he couldn't get closer to Sonia.

"You said you knew what was going on. How?" Richie asked, trying to keep the conversation on topic so Eddie didn't get pissed off and attack someone. With his demonic soul returning so abruptly, Richie feared he may have even less control than he had before.

"This," Sonia said, holding up a clear looking rock. "When the demons were casted out, Eddie hadn't yet been born. His father was... like him."

"No, you told my friends his dad was a demon!"   Richie snapped, and Eddie's grip on him tightened. He could feel the anger radiating off of Eddie, so Richie forced himself to calm down so that Eddie wouldn't use the added anger to make it worse.

"I lied, Tozier," Sonia snapped. "I didn't think it would get this bad so I didn't feel the need to add extra details that would upset my son even more!"

"Don't say that," Eddie snarled, his venomous tone making the room fall silent. "Don't act like you care. You kept me locked in a room for sixteen years, treating me like an animal. You hated me! You still do! Don't fucking play like you care!"

"I did what I had to in order to protect you! You are half demon and half human, so you have even less control over your abilities! If I didn't stay strict with you, your abilities could have taken over and someone could've get hurt." Sonia paused and pointed at Richie. "He could get hurt, because of you."

Eddie snarled a tried to dive at his mother, but Richie grabbed him around his waist and pulled him to the ground, whispering calming things to get Eddie to settle down. It worked, and Eddie managed to stand up and simply glare at Sonia.

"What's the truth?" Richie asked. "What's up with that weird ass clear rock and all this bullshit of demons possessing and trying to kill people in our town?"

Sonia sighed. "The stone was a gift from Eddie's father. He... he was just like Eddie."

"He was a demon," Eddie stated, pulling Richie closer to him again, still glaring at Sonia. "You told me that! You think I'm disgusting and a fucking abomination!"

"Eds, shhh, calm down," Richie said, turning toward Eddie and gently cupping his cheek. "We need our answers. We need to know what's going on so we can keep everyone safe."

Eddie sighed, trying to keep his anger in check. "Fine," he whispered, before looking at Sonia. "What do you mean that my father was just like me?"

There were tears in Sonia's eyes. Part of Richie felt bad for her, but the other part worked to remind him that she had kept Eddie locked up. That didn't necessarily anger him, but he didn't feel much sympathy. She said she had a reason, and Richie wanted to hear it.

"He was half human, half demon. The demon soul that was part of him, when it joined its human, the two bonded. It was unlike anything anyone, demon or human that had connections with demons, had ever seen. They went through a hard process to bond the two souls into one. That man was Eddie's father," Sonia said, sniffling and tears dripping out of her eyes. "I told him I didn't care, that I loved him anyway. He was terrified that I'd get hurt, and he was even more upset when I told him I was pregnant. He didn't want our child to be like him.

"About a month before I had Eddie, there was an attack on our house. Demons that had been attacking Derry told my fiancée that the demons had to either leave or attack. He didn't want to be part of it, but they didn't let him stay. Th-they..." Sonia paused and choked out a sob into her hands. "They used that device and pulled out most of the joined soul, since he sided with the people. Between him and the cops, they managed to find a way to force the demons back to Hell. Before they did, they managed to use the device. He was dying and that's when he gave me the containment device and the stone. He told me it'd flash red if the demons ever got out again. It did when I woke up this morning, so I knew something happened."

"I opened the portal. I was scared to use the device to remove the demon soul, since I'd never used or seen anything like it. I didn't know it'd unleash literal Hell," Eddie said, watching as Sonia's face shifted between guilt and anger.

"You opened a portal to Hell, Eddie! How did you not-"

Richie stood in front of Eddie, eyes narrow. "Don't you fucking dare pin this on him! You kept everything about his past hidden and kept him locked up!" he snapped, holding Eddie's hand behind his back to keep him from too much anger.

Sonia looked angry, but then she sighed and her expression changed to a guilty one. "I know. I'm sorry, Eddie. I should've never done anything like that. I thought I was protecting you, but clearly I was wrong."

That seemed to calm both teenage boys down and Eddie stepped out from behind Richie.

"How did they stop the demons?" Eddie asked. "One demon and a bunch of cops can't chase away a group of demons with abilities."

Sonia sighed again. She reached into the pocket of her hospital gown and handed Richie a piece of paper.

"There was a girl involved. She helped them.
She had powers, but wasn't a demon. I kept contact with her. She helped me out when Eddie was born, shipping supplies to the pharmacist in order to keep Eddie's powers under control."

Richie opened the piece of paper and read the name on the sheet. "Where's she right now?" Richie asked.

"New Jersey, I think. She moves around a lot, but she said she'd wait there. I called her as soon as I lost Eddie."

"Why would she wait?" Eddie asked, glaring at the woman.

"She figured something like this would happen. I'll call her and tell her to wait, but you need to go after her," Sonia said, handing them a burner phone. "Her number is on this. Call her when you get close. Take my car if you need to."

Eddie nodded and turned to leave, but Richie grabbed his arm.

"What?" Eddie asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Our friends? How do we keep them safe? There's demons possessing people!" Richie snapped, not willing to leave behind the people he cared about the most.

"Text them and tell them to go to my house and hide out. There's a basement in the entry closet. The demons won't be able to find it. Now go, find the girl. She can help you."

Richie nodded and grabbed Eddie's hand leaving the room. They contacted the other losers who met them at Sonia's house before they left.

"Who are you looking for?" Stan asked as Eddie and Richie sat in the front of Sonia's car, ready to go.

Eddie opened the paper and looked at it. "Her name is Aviana Vinello."


So, in this book, I'm adding this new character. I've actually been developing this character for years, and I decided to incorporate her into the story :)

Hope y'all are enjoying!!!

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