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Mike made Richie and Eddie stay in the loft while he went to wait for the other losers. Even though he had just met Mike, Richie was eager to let him become part of the losers club. He was loyal and smart, and he knew the others would love him.

Eddie had let his wings spread, claiming it hurt him if they were hidden for too long. Despite Richie's complaints and pleas for him not to, Eddie opened them up and began to fly up into the rafters of the barn, smiling the whole time.

Richie watching him settle in the rafters, looking down at him. "Come on, Eds. Get down!"

"No thank you," Eddie said, standing up and walking so he was standing nearly ten feet above where Richie sat in the loft. "You should come up here."

"I can't fly, idiot," Richie said, watching Eddie hop off and land in front of him gracefully. "They think I'm a demon, but I'm obviously not."

Eddie smiled again, but it wasn't sarcastic or menacing. He was smiling appreciatively, and grabbed Richie's hands, placing them on his own waist. Richie was confused as to what the smaller boy was doing until he leaned forward to Richie's ear.

"Hold on," he whispered.

Richie only had a second to process and grab onto Eddie before the demon spread his wings and leapt up toward the rafters. He was shocked how easily it was for Eddie to carry him, but he assumed it had a lot to do with Eddie's hidden abilities.

They landed in the highest point of the barn, nearly thirty feet off the ground. Richie closed his eyes and held his breath, while Eddie held onto the bar they sat on and flipped upside down, holding onto with just his knees.

"Eds, don't do that!" Richie exclaimed, grabbing Eddie's arm and pulling him up.

Eddie glared at him. "If I fall I'm not going to get hurt," he said, sliding of the bar and catching himself in mid-air.

"Yeah, well, I can fall and get hurt," Richie said, grabbing on tightly to one of the cross bars holding up the one he was sitting on. "And I fucking hate heights."

Eddie flew in front of him, snickering. "It's kind of funny."

"What is?" Richie growled. If he could tackle Eddie without risking falling thirty feet and getting killed, he would.

"In all the time I've known you, which has only been a few days, you've only been scared three times. Now, with heights. Last night with the nightmares. I don't understand the last time, though," Eddie said, landing and standing next to Richie who was still glaring at him.

"Wh-what was the last..." Richie took a deep breath, shutting his eyes. "What was the last time?"

"This morning, when that kid attacked us," Eddie said, sitting next to Richie. "You were scared when he held a knife to my throat. It was weird, because I could tell you were worried I'd attack him, but there was a different fear there. Fear for me. I don't understand."

"What don't you understand about it?" Richie asked, realizing Eddie was beginning to catch on.

Fuck, he was screwed. He had a fucking crush on a demon.

Eddie didn't pay any mind to his inner conflict. "Well, you know I have powers and that I wouldn't be hurt. So why feel fear for me?" He leaned close to Richie's ear. "And why are you scared right now?"

Richie bit his inner cheek, tasting blood. He saw Eddie watching him, expecting an answer.


"Yeah, Eds?" Richie all but whispered, looking up at Eddie bashfully.

"Why are you afraid?"

Richie broke his gaze, but he felt Eddie grab his chin, forcing their eyes to meet. He saw Eddie's face, how confused and concerned he looked.
Deciding that Eddie was probably going to figure out how he was feeling sooner or later, Richie took a risk.

He leaned forward, cupping Eddie's face in his hands and kissing his lips softly. Eddie reciprocated, gently touching his face. At first, Richie thought everything was okay. Then, Eddie panicked, pulled away, and accidentally shoved him off of the rafters.

"Well, fuck. At least I got to kiss that bitch before I died," Richie thought as he plummeted toward the ground, eyes closed tight.

The crash he was expecting never came. Instead, he felt hands encircle his body and a whoosh pounding next to his ears. Richie cautiously opened his eyes and saw Eddie staring down at him, eyes wide in shock. There was a bright blush all over his face as he carried Richie back up to the loft.

"Did I fuck up?" Richie asked, seeing how panicked Eddie seemed.

"N-no, it's not that," Eddie whispered, looking at Richie sadly. He jumped off the ledge and reappeared seconds later with a broken piece of glass. "Look."

Richie looked at the glass, then realized what Eddie was talking about. There were bright red handprints on his face, and they seemed to be blistering. It seemed that seeing them triggered something in Richie's mind, and he could feel the painful, burning sensation on his face.

"I'm sorry," Eddie whispered. He gently touched Richie's face, and the marks disappeared. "I don't know why it happened."

Richie touched his cheeks where the marks had been and realized the pain was still there. It burned, but he tried not to show the pain. He didn't want Eddie to feel bad for something he didn't mean to do.

"It's okay," Richie said, reaching out to touch Eddie, who had tears in his eyes. "You didn't mean to. If... if you want we can try again."

Eddie looked up at him. "What if I hurt you?" he asked, voice cracking slightly.

"You won't. I mean, unless you don't want to. It's okay if you don't want to, Eds," Richie said, hoping he wasn't forcing Eddie into an unwanted or uncomfortable situation.

"I want to," Eddie said, cutting him off.

Richie smiled and gently pulled Eddie forward so he was sitting in his lap. He leaned forward, and he could feel the nervous excitement radiating off of Eddie.

It was Eddie who closed the distance, slotting their lips together and kissing Richie. It didn't last long, Eddie pulling away when he heard Richie inhale sharply.

"Did I hurt you?" Eddie asked, looking all over Richie's face and neck for any burns.

"No, I'm okay. I just..." he stopped speaking and pulled Eddie into another kiss. "I can't believe the person I like is part demon. It's a little overwhelming."

Eddie nodded, forcing his wings into his back. "Oh, uh, okay. I, uh..."

"It's not you, Eds. It's me being weird. Don't worry," Richie said, seeing how Eddie seemed suddenly unsure of what he was.

Eddie smiled, and they heard the barn door open. Glancing over the edge of the loft, Richie saw the losers club flood in. Mike guided them up to the loft, where they all sat.

"Soooo," Stan began. "What the hell is going on?"


Special shoutout to meji2022 for helping me come up with a lot of the shit in this chapter :))

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