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Avi turned, hands raised, ready to fight, when she sensed people behind her. Then she recognized Eddie and Jane, who held up the black containment device. Avi touched her pocket and noticed it was missing.

"When did you get here?" Avi asked Jane quietly, looking over where she was hidden at the demons guarding the portal.

"A few hours ago. I saw you and Kali fighting in a vision. Can we finish this up quickly? I've got dinner with my boyfriend who looks strangely similar to one of your Derry kids," Jane said with a smirk, tossing Avi the containment device.

"Is he okay?"

Eddie scoffed. "He's alive but heading to the hospital," he snapped, eyes flashing red.

"Don't get pissy with me. You opened the portal."

"To get rid of the demon in me!"

"Hey!" Jane hissed, stopping the bickering between the two. "We need to close this portal, okay? Can you two get along for five fucking minutes?"

Eddie and Avi glared at each other again but each gave Jane a nod. They'd cooperate if it meant protecting everyone.

There was one demon standing next to the portal, but it was obviously a weaker one. It hadn't been able to sense the three teenagers hiding and trying to avoid being located.

"Okay, Eddie, go out and distract it. You're part demon and this one is weak so it'll be easy. Avi, left, I'll go right. Let's close this thing," Jane whispered and both Avi and Eddie immediately got to work.

Eddie spread his wings and leapt out from behind the column they had snuck behind. The demon glared at him, hissing in its demonic language that Eddie didn't know. So, he didn't answer but stalked toward the creature, trying to give off the most demonic impression he could. The creature didn't seem to believe him, but didn't do anything.

Avi and Jane each stood behind a different column while Eddie kept the demon distracted. It seemed to be trying to get Eddie to fully transform, unaware that he couldn't.

The demon stepped closer to Eddie, who was slowly backing up, trying to lead it away from Jane and Avi. It growled deeply, sensing Eddie's unease, angry and confused by the boy.

Avi and Jane made eye contact and shared a look of agreement before they stepped out from behind the columns. Both were about to lift their hands and close when an earsplitting shriek filled the air and a demon unlike any other leapt out from the portal.

Avi and Jane tried to use their powers to stop it, but it easily used its own to force them to the ground. More demons appeared and held the two girls back, who couldn't seem to use any of their powers.

Eddie tried to run to get help, but two demons advanced on him and held him back as well, ignoring his hisses and growls. They didn't seem to care as the demon that defeated Avi and Jane glared around the room.

It made eye contact with Eddie and walked over to him, towering over the boy. Eddie didn't cower, instead snarling and trying to leap at the creature, angry he was being held back.

"You could have chosen to be with your kind, yet you choose humans. Disgusting," the demon snarled, its eyes red and claws twitching as if it couldn't wait to dig them into Eddie's flesh.

"I'm not one for trying to rule over a town," Eddie snapped back, hoping that Avi or Jane were trying to free themselves while the head demon was distracted.

The demon chuckled darkly, kneeling in front of Eddie. It touched his cheek gentle and pulled its hand back like it had been burned. The animal laughed and smiled at Eddie.

Demon 🔥 Reddie Where stories live. Discover now